Anyone else have ch 321 (NBC-HD),594,593?

Large cities only, what the hell kinda sense does that make? I live in a smaller city and I don't get $hit for OTA, you would think they would offer it to a larger audience since it is through the dish.

I live in suburb of Madison WI and called Voom today and was told 321 hd and the two others 593,594 will be east west feeds of nbc and I am eligibleto get them. happy as a lark here :yes
I have the channels listed also, I think everyone does, but the way I understand it is that if you do not live in one of the markets listed on the link that was provided, you will not receive the feed. I cannot say this as a fact but that is what it sounds like giving the information that has been provided in this thread. I hope I am wrong.

I just spoke with VOOM, I will not be able to view the olympics on VOOM :( . Of course it is not VOOM's rule, anyone who's local affiliate is not owned by NBC will not be able to watch it.This is NBC's rule and as usual I am getting screwed because I live in a rural area. As I pointed out before, I live in an area that my local affiliate CLAIMS I can pick up OTA, and I do have access to NBC via crappy Cox cable, but the fact is I CAN'T receive a quality signal by antenna and they do not broadcast in HD anyway. Sucks to be me.

VOOM should really look at how others are doing it (and by others I mean Dish Network and DirecTV) They keep quoting FCC rules, yet the other two are doing it. Is someone not reading the FCC rules correctly?

8-15 is gone!

5 more slots for VOOM sats

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