Seems like I always have problems with PTAT on Sundays. Three weeks ago on Sunday PTAT only recorded 2 minutes of the shows. Yesterday the wife and I sat down to watch the final of Celebrity Apprnetice. Selected it, chose auto hop and then nothing, a black screen. It shows it is there and you can even fast forward, just a total black screen. The funny thing is when watching live TV on Sunday clicking through the channels I saw it was on (with a picture). Other shows recoreded normally. PTAT only messes up the shows the wife cares about
Why would it record this way? Do you think it is there and a reboot might fix this.
BTY on S212 but when things messed up 3 weeks ago I was on S209.
Why would it record this way? Do you think it is there and a reboot might fix this.
BTY on S212 but when things messed up 3 weeks ago I was on S209.