Anybody gotten a 921 lately???

Seems like ages since I started this thread, but I can now say that I have my own 921 on the way thanks to Scott and Dishstore.

Scott emailed me, waited a bit for my answer while I contacted Dishdepot to be sure that I could cancel my spot on their waiting list, and even did a conference call with me and Dishstore to be sure I got one of the units in stock.

Thanks again Scott.
No problem! Just wanted to make sure you were all taken care of (plus I had Calude on the phone!)

Please let us know what you think of the unit after you get it. :D
I will.
I have some work to do before I get it; new switch, more runs of cable to the attic etc.
Well, I just got mine today (yay!) And, so far at least, it works. Of course, first timer hasn't fired yet, so we'll see :-)
Got mine Thursday. Took a couple of calls to get authorized and up-and-running. Then, none of my first-night timers fired. But a power cord reboot got things straightened out and I'm really enjoying it (knock on wood!) It takes a little getting used to (compared to a DishPlayer and 6000) but now that I've figured the best way to bounce from HD to SD and getting my Sony AV-3000 remote programmed, I'm happy. Now I have to decide if it's worth trying to pull in OTA stations. I'm over 60 miles away from any network stations and not sure if its worth investing in a big antenna and related gear.
Took delivery of 921 #2 today (#1 was DOA). It is up and running and the recording features are pretty cool, but my analog channels are completely un-watchable! This is interesting as my digital channels are coming through fine.

Has anyone experienced this problem? Analog channels with no picture and poor audio?
Good to hear Spence! I don't even bother with the analog channels. everyone in my area has digital channels so whats the point of using analog
John Walsh said:
Good to hear Spence! I don't even bother with the analog channels. everyone in my area has digital channels so whats the point of using analog

I know "analog-shmanalog", but if I'm paying this much, the product should be fully functional.

I've just gotten off the phone with Dish Tech support (going through the usual channels this time) and they went down the list of troubleshooting.

I've confirmed that my cable coming off of the diplexer is in fact carrying a strong analog signal by hooking it directly to my TV (and later my VCR). All analog channels come in as clear or clearer than what cable TV can offer so my cable & diplexer are ruled out.

I'm not angry or frustrated because as you have pointed out, I've got all of my OTA DTV channels along with my satellite channels.

I've been busy trying to impress my wife with it by showing her how we can now pausing live TV or pick up a show from the beginning while it continues to record. She mumbles and walks away leaving me like a kid on Christmas day! :D

I've got a few timers set for a couple of late "late" shows (guilty b-movie pleasures) like "Invasion of the B-Girls". I'll see how it records in the morning.

Time to get DOA 921 #1 to the UPS store for it's trip back to Dish.

Waiting on a call from Dish tech support in my effort to obtain a unit that has full ATV and DTV functionality!

One note - there's no real point in running ATV through the 921 - you can't record it, and even under the best of conditions it will degrade the signal.

And if you actually think the 921 will ever be fully functional, well, just go ahead and send it back now.
I realize that they cannot be recorded from, and as I've stated, having ATV is not the end of the world for me.

I'd like to have them as back-up should my local station's digital stations go down, at least until they cease broadcasting ATV.

Got mine today, but I have to figure out how to get a 5th hook up.

I currently have 2 301's a 501 and an 811.

The 501 will replace one of the 301's.

So I will have a 301, 811, 501 and 921

I currently have 2 dishes, and a switch 64. what do I need for a 5th feed?
Assuming your 2 dishes are a 500 with a pair of Dual LNBFs for 110/119 and a 300 with a Dual for 61.5 or 148, and you want to keep that, your best option is a second SW-64 along with the required DC-blocking splitters and loads and stuff. Definitely a non-trivial installation.

On the other hand, upgrading everything to DishPro with a pair of DP34's is a cleaner solution - AND if you don't need the 3rd bird on every receiver, you could go with a single DP34, and a Quad LNBF on the dish 500, leaving you 4 3-bird feeds, and 2 2-bird feeds.

Sorry about the bad news, but I don't know of any other solutions.
I signed up for the "free upgrade" to an additional 510 back in November in exchange for a 2 year commitment not to go anywhere. Since all my ports were maxed out as well, they footed the bill for everything Simon mentioned. You might be out of luck if you bought the receiver, but you can use the current $99 upgrade deal to get a new receiver with all of the switches needed. Since parts and labor will push close to $300 it's a steal to go this route. Consider returning the one you bought or put it up on EBay if you can't return it.....
Got mine today, but I have to figure out how to get a 5th hook up.

I currently have 2 301's a 501 and an 811.

The 501 will replace one of the 301's.

So I will have a 301, 811, 501 and 921

I currently have 2 dishes, and a switch 64. what do I need for a 5th feed?
Thanks I saw that. Unsure why my post went away then reappeared today.

I was going to look at the 4:4 switch, but i have heard that the 921 is not compaitble
Robski said:
Thanks I saw that. Unsure why my post went away then reappeared today.

I was going to look at the 4:4 switch, but i have heard that the 921 is not compaitble
If you mean the DPP44, remember - you'd have to swap out all your LNBFs.

Eventually (scheduled for this summer, which in E*speak means 2009 :() the 921 should support the DPP44.

Refer to my previous post giving you somewhat of a solution, but again, LNBF swap-out time for the clean one.
I just added a second SW64 to my system. It's not pretty but it works fine.

Just like with their receivers, I'm not sure you want to be the first on your block to have a DPP44 anyway because they already had problems with the first batch overheating.

Jerking Picture

Lease a a 510 vs Buy a 508?

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