Anybody gotten a 921 lately???


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 5, 2003
Has anyone actually received a 921 in the last few weeks since they are no longer on hold?

Any of the retailers have any info on how many they expect coming in and when?
Guess that 2 lets them say they are shipping again. Hopefully we will see real number soon.

About 3 weeks ago the E* HDTV trailer/roadshow was in town. I asked about getting a 921. They said they would call me when they had some. I'm sure they just lost my name LOL.
Yea, they sure did open those floodgates :confused: .

I wonder if they've already sold more HD TiVo's (they've made Best Buy, Circuit City, & Ultimate Electronics)?

Could they be trying to keep the numbers down till the bugs are fixed or the 922 arrives?

At this rate, Charlie is going to have to explain another quarter where DirectTV gains subs like crazy while E* stagnates.
I think the fact that Scott won a 921 has cut deeply into the current supply too. :-)
I got two calls yesterday, about an hour apart from two dealers in town. I was on their call list last December. Both these guys got one each in stock yesterday AM. Now they are calling around to see who is still interested. I advised then to restrict the sales to someone who can tolerate the 921's issues. The one dealer was totally unaware of the problems. He agreed some of his customers would not be a good match for the 921 in it's present state.
David_Levin said:
I wonder if they've already sold more HD TiVo's (they've made Best Buy, Circuit City, & Ultimate Electronics)?

ValueElectronics as of 5/6 says they've shipped 373 HD10-250's. Other have reported seeing them at local stores, including CC, I think one person said one store had 30 of them. So I think it would be safe to say that a couple thousand boxes have probably made it out the door. Anyone have any idea how many 921's have made it out??? Just curious.
Alot of dealers that are getting them 2 or 3 at a time, are selling them on ebay and making huge profits. This should be controlled by dish because some not all are raping new and current dish customers and the guy who wants to buy one from his local installer can't get one becasue that local installed is selling them on ebay!
This could easily be controlled by Dish if they just sold the boxes directly to us (like the 510 deal). It's just a huge joke, and one of the reasons more people than ever seem to be jumping ship. To top it off, they're already talking about the 942 being the replacement for the 921!

And it's not just the 921; I'd also like a couple of 522's and a 322, but those are STILL just for new lease customers. They say they will be available for current customers soon, but that seems to keep being pushed further into the year.
Has E* even sold 1000 of these things yet? It's a joke.... I remember when they complained about ONLY selling 250,000 of the Dishplayers at one point.... WHY can't they make these things in any amount of volume to satisfy demand?Why are we talking about 2 or 3 receivers per retailer, when we should be talking about 2 or 3 PALETTES of receivers being available. Is there ONE guy building these things?
Bob: You know the answer, I'm sure. The 921 will be orphaned as soon as the 942 is out. Considering design lead-times, it likely that E* knew this before the first 921's hit the street, but they had to get something out there for appearances sake. So they dribble them, so at least they only SCREW a couple hundred of us.
Alot of dealers that are getting them 2 or 3 at a time, are selling them on ebay and making huge profits. This should be controlled by dish because some not all are raping new and current dish customers and the guy who wants to buy one from his local installer can't get one becasue that local installed is selling them on ebay!

Its called supply and demand. Nobody is forcing them to buy them at the inflated prices. I sold one here at satellite guys and that guy sold it and made several hunderd dollars on it. Im not mad i made my profit and he made one. Money its what makes the world go around. These 921 are no different that anything else thas in short supply. Look at the price of Gasoline.
Got one today, sold it, installed it and am waiting for more. It appears that the trickle had has started to flow. :yes
BTW, the colors were all screwed up compared to the 6000 it replaced. And yes the cables are connected properly. Way too much red. Any :confused: Ideas?
We got a bunch in to at DishStore.NET of course a bunch is still under 10 units. We were told by 1 person at Dish that DishStore and DishDepot got ALL of the allotment of 921's that came in.

I cant wait until we get 30 - 40 units in at a time. :)

But I guess 9 units beats getting in only 1 unit. :)
Not really sure. The exact quote of the email would be "Hello,
We are receiving a nice quantity of 921s by Thursday this week. We will be contacting those who will be able to get their orders filled today. Thank you for your patience."

mine was filled but I know I was #3 on the list

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