Since it did not actually start until 7 AM EDT, all you saw was header stuff. The movie began at 7 AM EDT.Yep, last night I only got 9647. Crap preview. Nothing but an ad for MGM and Platinum HD.
15 minutes into the movie and here comes the "pitch"(interrupting the movie)
No channel 98 here...
Does anyone knows if the commercial interruptions are standard in the regular MGM channel? If the answer is yes, it sucks, and I agree with joewhite....
I get it on Channel 9647. AEP + Platinum here.Not seeing it here with Absolute. I was wondering if any Absolute or Platinum subs are getting the preview. I'm fine with the channel 385 version, but still curious.
MGM was offered as one of the month long preview once, and commercial interruptions are normal. A DVR makes it tolerable, but I'd rather just spring for a premium movie package.:up
I'm going to venture a guess that the remarks about commercials would be on the channel 98 MGM-HD and not the channel 385. Sounds like the channel 98 version is the equivalent of a PBS-telethon version of MGM-HD!I don't know what you guys were watching, but alot of movies have no commercials at all. Sometimes in prime time there will be a minute or two where they will interupt a movie and show an MGM preview or two, but that's about it. When movies end before the top and bottom of the hour, then there's some commercials, but just to get to the next movie. Movies aren't edited, either, like other movie channels.
Another typical great dish move.Thats great but have been advertising this Free Preview to be airing on channel 98.
Another typical great dish move.