anybody else lose 61.5 tonight?

Jim S.

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Jan 2, 2006
I seem to be missing quite a few channels on 61.5. It started at least as early as 11PM EDT.
What channels?

VH1 Classic on transponder 16. I actually have little to no signal on most of the other transponders on 61.5, but that's the only one I really watch, as most of the others carry SD versions of channels that I have the HD versions of. My local HD channels happen to be located on a working transponder, however.
I'm not missing any channels on 61.5, at least that I'm aware of. My locals (Chicago area) are on transponder #18 and come in just fine.

However when I do Menu>6>1>3 System Info, I get either a Red "X" or Yellow for 61.5. I used to get all Greens. I don't usually have a reason to check System Info but I noticed the Red/Yellow issue a few weeks ago. Dish came out last week & changed the LNB but I still get either Red or Yellow for 61.5. The tech said everything is good & did not have an explanation for the Red/Yellow.

I don't know where to go from here but it makes me wonder if something is happening on the 61.5 satellite itself.
I went out to the dish and wiggled it in every direction with no change in signal level (on 61.5), so it's not an alignment issue. I suspect a bad LNB, but there's something bothering me, which is that a very few transponders on 61.5 work fine. (The one with my HD locals in particular.)

When I go to the system info screen, I get a yellow box for 61.5, and when I hit the Details button, it says that I've lost signal dozens of times in the past two days. I don't know if the report process only goes back two days, or whether the problem only started then, because I watch a total of ONE channel on the affected transponders with any regularity, and the last time I watched that one prior to last night was last weekend.

The affected transponders that carry channels I subscribe to (but most of them are SD, so I never watch them -- except for VH1 Classic, which doesn't exist in HD) are 6, 12, and 16. As I said, most of the other transponders are weak or gone, and a very few are strong enough to watch.
You have an issue that is either LNBF, switch, or cable related sounds like.

Dish replaced my LNBF which I thought had an internal switch. I replaced the DVR with a new one 2 weeks ago. Last year the cable was replaced.

I used to get all Green for SS, but not anymore. And when I look at details it also shows I've lost signal many times in the past few days. The Dish tech called his manager & neither one knew what to do, & the tech said he guaranteed my SS was OK.

I'll have to find out what channels are on 61.5 & try some other transponders.
61.5 has been showing as yellow on sys info for a couple months now. It's got to do with the changes they're making. Not necessarily something to be concerned with. If you're losing channels it's likely a different issue. Bad LNB would be a guess.
61.5 has been showing as yellow on sys info for a couple months now. It's got to do with the changes they're making. Not necessarily something to be concerned with. If you're losing channels it's likely a different issue. Bad LNB would be a guess.

One of my friends gets Yellow & another gets Green. The one who gets Green has the same DVR & programming package that I have. Funny thing is on a couple of the transponders we checked he has lower SS than I have, 37 vs 45. Why would he still be getting Green?
One of my friends gets Yellow & another gets Green. The one who gets Green has the same DVR & programming package that I have. Funny thing is on a couple of the transponders we checked he has lower SS than I have, 37 vs 45. Why would he still be getting Green?
They like him better than they do you. :D Maybe your LNB has a problem to cause it to show yellow.
Sys Info shows 77 Green, 72 Green, 61.5 Yellow or Red. The details also show many signal losses.

When I go to Menu>6>1>1 and check the Transponder SS I get varied results. TP #1 to #17 have typical SS around 50, a few at 48 & a few at 65. TP & higher are mostly Spotbeams & vary quite a bit. TP#18 for my locals is 52. Also have a couple at 10 & a couple at 35. Some TP are 0. A few of the Transponders are also real low such as 2 & 3.

Could I possibly be getting a weak signal from an adjacent area such as Indiana, Spotbeam or otherwise? And even though I'm not able to tune in these signals because they are not for me, the LNB/DVR still sees them as a very low SS & therefore tells the system I am experiencing a signal loss?

And maybe my friend 20 miles away has his dish pointed just ever so slightly to the West & does not get these Indiana signals at all and therefore nothing registers as a signal loss? He does have lower SS on sat 72 so he's probably not seeing the same sky as I am.

Does that make any sense?
Dish was back to my house. The System Info displayed Yellow for 61.5 & the Details listed a lot of signal losses. The tech said that did not mean a thing.

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