I have a New Mitsubishi DLP 3D ready (according to documentation) also, built in August of 2009.
I have searched the manual over and can not find any reference to whether it is circular polarized or shutter based?
This I did find in the manual, maybe someone can comment on what this means because I have no idea and am still in the learning process of this 3D technology.
[quote:From Mitsubishi Manual]
1. To see 3D video, the signal must be 1080p 60 Hz.
2. To display 3D images, Mitsubishi Home Theater DLP TVs require that source devices support checker-board display formats for 3D gaming or 3D cinema content. A 3D standard format does not currently exist for Blu-ray or DVD prepackaged media. Future 3D standards may be incompatible with Mitsubishi Home Theater DLP TVs. Please visit mitsubishi-tv.com for updates and information.