Any way to lease three HDDVRs?

I got 2 DP34s off ebay for something like 19 with 12 ship or something weird like that. They were cheap thats for sure.. :) Used and banged up a bit, but they work and thats what matters.
I'd kind of like to program my DVR from the toilet... One of these days they'll come up with a way to let me do it via the web and/or cell.

Boy! You know what they say about great minds!. *I'M* thinking of TV in the can too. I don't think I'd use a laptop to set timers cause it would be pretty warm on my lap (if you know what I mean). Anyway, my plan is to run TV1 svideo into the master bath and plug in the 5" LCD I use when traveling. I already have wireless headphones so I can hear TV anytime I leave the room and can't pause because of others watching with me. And now I'm getting the RF remote thing for TV1 control from another room so I'm nearly golden already.
Warm on the lap could offset the cold of the seat though.. Might help the process.

I kind of liked the Tim the Toolman TV mounted inside the bathroom mirrors idea. I don't have a bathroom the size of half of some houses here, but the idea is still pretty killer.

Until the TV in the living room dies right before the Super Bowl and then you're all sitting there in the bathroom watching it. "Uh.. guys.. I have to uh.. yeah.." :Dl
I saw the TV in the mirror thing on a real home improvement show! I'm sure if you google you could find one. I I also saw one on one of those "house of tomorrow - today" shows on the Science channel, I'm sure.
Yes, the pause function alone will be worth it. Since I already have two 622s, I can't even lease another 211, and at $299 a piece without DVR functions, it will be worse than spending $599 on another 622.

For now however TV2 will do. But unfortunately as things evolved over time, we now spend more time watching a bit of TV here and there in the kitchen, satellite office or garage, each on "TV2" output only, imaging how flustrated I am not able to watch true HD most of the time.

I have TV2 all over the house too. The better TVs get component or svideo and the little screens that are far away get RF. The beauty of this is that during the day you can walk from room to room and get the same show *At The Same Point even it you had been using pause* which wouldn't happen if you went to the kitchen and switched on a 622. And don't forget that anything you record won't be available on the kitchen 622 unless you copy it to a USB drive and carry it there.

Also I can't believe you could see any difference between good SD and HD on a 15" TV from more than 2 or 3 feet away. Human eyes aren't that good. I know with even component video small screen details exceeds the human eyes ability at just a few feet away. Also except for computer monitors I doubt you could even get 720P in a small screen TV. I've seen 480P 15 inchers but nothing with a higher resolution.

As someone said, TV2 component video sent to an EDTV 15" LCD would give you a superb picture.
One other advantage I thought of: Using the RF output of TV2 on both your DVRs you could switch channels on tvs around the house and select from two different feeds again being able to watch recorded shows which the kitchen 622 can't do.
Science Channel HD is such a great channel.. I could watch How Do They Do It? and How It's Made all day long.. :)

Would it be too sad to admit I have USB backups of How it's Made and Extreme Engineering?
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Have you seen "John Ratzenberger's Made in America"? It does the same thing as "How it's Made" (though not in HD). Anyway as a former dummer I caught how they make Zildjian cymbals on both shows and I have both on USB. You should check Ratzenberger out, he's pretty funny (though not in HD).
Not in HD? Well then it doesn't matter right? :D

I'll have to check it out.

One of these days we'll have FOX in HD here too. Tired of watching Football in low def.
I forgot: Made in America is on The Travel Channel (you don't need to know how I found it there)
Travel Channel has had some cool stuff on Vegas in the past.. I don't watch it much, but they do have some occasional good stuff. It's really one of those channels that could be pretty good in High Def.
Oh ya, thats right.... Travel Channel in HD. Ya that's' the ticket! The Travel Channel Channel in HD. That's what I want for Christmas!

(Sorry, I forgot where I was posting)

And three 722's is just right! Ya, that's the ticket! Three 722s for everyone!

(Forgot the subject of the thread too)
One other advantage I thought of: Using the RF output of TV2 on both your DVRs you could switch channels on tvs around the house and select from two different feeds again being able to watch recorded shows which the kitchen 622 can't do.

Why you say the 622 in the kitchen can't do the DVR recording?

I agree though unless they come up with the whole house media server solution, it is not practical to have a bulky DVR at each of those satellite TV locations, most of them now are small flat panels mounted on the walls (kitchen and bathroom are common), no room to strap a receiver behind the TV.

Two years ago 2wire and E* jointly worked on that Media Portal concept which showed a very small sized client receiver. But enough of that already.

Since I still have not finalized the type of connection to the kitchen 19" panel, I ended up buying an XM10 wireless video sender. It works surprisingly well as long as the microwave oven is not running:) I can send TV1 or TV2 depending on the need.
Why you say the 622 in the kitchen can't do the DVR recording?

What I was trying to get at is that if you set a timer to record "Desperate Housewives" on your living room DVR, you can *only* watch it on TVs hooked to the living room DVR. To be able to watch this somewhere else in the house you have to have set timers ahead of time on each room's DVR. The reverse is also true if you are watching something in the kitchen and can't stay to watch it all and elect to "record the remainder". When you get back and have time to watch you can only watch in the kitchen.

I suppose it's a lack of imagination on my part but I can't imagine kitchen only TV shows or trying to remember what room I was in when I set a timer.

Upgrade install question

Can 622 tune to analog OTA

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