Any way to get a PS3 lower than $499 at this point?

I actually was looking at the 80GB. Best buy has it for $499.

For those PS3 experts what is the hard disk use for besides saving games. I could go for a 40G but I don't want to regret that I did not get the 80GB later on if I need more space.

I am not a PS3 expert by any means, and this is a non hard disk comment, however, you may also want to consider the 60 or 80G models to take advantage of the digital media slots.
While many may not use or care about this feature, I have enjoyed taking the SD card from my camera, inserting into the PS3 media slot and displaying pictures full screen on my 40" LCD display for family and friends.
Good luck in your decision:D
Going to sound crass. But doing it anyway.

Can go to EB games or a Pawn shop and pick one up for a lot cheaper. They are in abundance there. Call if you don't believe me :) he he
I totally flaked on the 80GB model having the chips dropped for full backward compatibility. I knew the 40GB models were dropping BC altogether, but assumed that the 80GB models would still have the EE chipset. Wrong. So now I have to explain to my wife why she can't play her old Ratchet & Clanks without the framerate dropping to 5. Dammit--I knew BC was eventually going to slide to emulation, but I...nevermind.

So, the 60GB model. I looked around and didn't see any big name retailers w/ remaining stock of 60GB. Well, besides in-store at CompUSA. And they're all closed in Chicagoland. Double-Dammit. Anyone know of reliable sources for 60GB PS3s? All the aftermarket sources seem to be charging a pretty premium...and I can't stomach that.
I totally flaked on the 80GB model having the chips dropped for full backward compatibility. I knew the 40GB models were dropping BC altogether, but assumed that the 80GB models would still have the EE chipset. Wrong. So now I have to explain to my wife why she can't play her old Ratchet & Clanks without the framerate dropping to 5. Dammit--I knew BC was eventually going to slide to emulation, but I...nevermind.

So, the 60GB model. I looked around and didn't see any big name retailers w/ remaining stock of 60GB. Well, besides in-store at CompUSA. And they're all closed in Chicagoland. Double-Dammit. Anyone know of reliable sources for 60GB PS3s? All the aftermarket sources seem to be charging a pretty premium...and I can't stomach that.

Sorry. I had seen them on shelves at places like Target as recently as a couple weeks ago, but haven't seen any lately. I'd still try calling around, though... you might get lucky and find one somewhere.

There are other options (Craigslist, ebay, etc) if you want a used one. I wouldn't, but that's just me...
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Yeah, at this point I'm pretty much resolved its the 80GB for me. I searched online and participated in a couple of eBay auctions on 60GBs, but the prices are just too steep...I can bring about 60-70% of our favorite titles over to the 80GB according to Sony's back-compat site. The rest will just have to go for trade-in or sale w/ our PS2 system on the 'bay...

Oh well. Its all good, right? I don't relish buying a discontinued model at a premium price so that's that.

Looks like I'll be ordering from Amazon today...Merry Christmas to Me! ;)
Yeah, at this point I'm pretty much resolved its the 80GB for me. I searched online and participated in a couple of eBay auctions on 60GBs, but the prices are just too steep...I can bring about 60-70% of our favorite titles over to the 80GB according to Sony's back-compat site. The rest will just have to go for trade-in or sale w/ our PS2 system on the 'bay...

Oh well. Its all good, right? I don't relish buying a discontinued model at a premium price so that's that.

Looks like I'll be ordering from Amazon today...Merry Christmas to Me! ;)

Good luck!

BTW, if Ratchet's one of the ones you're worried about, the BC was not that great on the 60 GB model either, but now that R&C Future is out, there's no need - it's just as fun as the others, with better graphics...
Yeah, at this point I'm pretty much resolved its the 80GB for me. I searched online and participated in a couple of eBay auctions on 60GBs, but the prices are just too steep...I can bring about 60-70% of our favorite titles over to the 80GB according to Sony's back-compat site. The rest will just have to go for trade-in or sale w/ our PS2 system on the 'bay...

Oh well. Its all good, right? I don't relish buying a discontinued model at a premium price so that's that.

Looks like I'll be ordering from Amazon today...Merry Christmas to Me! ;)

I cannot vouch for the reliability of this linK but it appears the PS3 60G is available for pick up at Comp USA. - Sony PlayStation 3 Console 60GB Hard Drive - 98000 - Sony » Gaming » Playstation 3 » Console
Good luck!

BTW, if Ratchet's one of the ones you're worried about, the BC was not that great on the 60 GB model either, but now that R&C Future is out, there's no need - it's just as fun as the others, with better graphics...

Yeah, that was the big title/series I noticed was going to be problematic (otherwise i was only looking at an issue w/ my unfinished Onimusha 2--oh well, might need to move on to Heavenly Sword ;)). After playing and subsequently ordering the new Ratchet, though, we realized it wasn't a 'deal killer'...time to move on. Just glad we can still play Shadow of the Colossus, Klonoa, Ico, Okami and the Final Fantasy titles...those are real PS2 keepers.

Ordered the PS3 from Amazon, should have it by Fri (tomorrow). What with house purchase stresses (been working on a deal for almost 3 weeks and looks like it may be falling through) and some recent health issues, nice to have a new shiny toy to smile about :D.

**Correction! My PS3 is out for delivery TODAY! Wow, I ordered it at 3pm yesterday, delivered next day. Cool.
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Yeah, that was the big title/series I noticed was going to be problematic (otherwise i was only looking at an issue w/ my unfinished Onimusha 2--oh well, might need to move on to Heavenly Sword ;)). After playing and subsequently ordering the new Ratchet, though, we realized it wasn't a 'deal killer'...time to move on. Just glad we can still play Shadow of the Colossus, Klonoa, Ico, Okami and the Final Fantasy titles...those are real PS2 keepers.

Ordered the PS3 from Amazon, should have it by Fri (tomorrow). What with house purchase stresses (been working on a deal for almost 3 weeks and looks like it may be falling through) and some recent health issues, nice to have a new shiny toy to smile about :D.

Congratulations! You won't regret it...
Unless, of course, I tell you that I just saw a 60 GB model sitting on the shelf at Target.... :eek:


btw just read somewhere before I left work that PS3 sold 150k over the holiday weekend (or week ending probably).

360 did double that, and approached/matched the Wii's numbers for the week though.

Independent figures still forthcoming though.

I have finally joined the ranks...

RGB, Superwhite, etc... PS3

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