Any voomers in/around Columbus, OH

oh yes i forgot i am supposed to call prostar digital on wednesday, to see if the antenna came in, the csr from voom told me it is the best one they have a channel master with a amp included, thanks again.
Newark is close to Columbus, so if you don't mind I am going to merge this thread with the Columbus thread: Any voomers in/around Columbus, OH. This way it will be easier for your neighbors to find it.

As for STB turning off with your TV set, does it happen when you use VOOM remote, or if you use your TV's remote too? And what happens if you simply press the button on the TV set itself?
I have found that the V* box will not come back on by itself to record. You would have to leave it on, and then it would go ahead and change channels. This is something that hopefully the new software coming out shortly will address. Haven't seen this discussed before to my recollection.
OTA's in Columbus, 5th trip from Prostar

Well, tomorrow I will be on visit number 5 from Prostar to get me some locals. They installed a Winegard on the initial visit, not sure what the model was. Small grey rectangle with a wing off of each side mounted on a pole just like the dish mount. I am 12 miles from all locals and they could only get me nbc and sometimes cbs and abc. CBS is the strongest signal. They had the ant pointed right into a tree. I asked them to just move the ant up to the second peak and they said it would be a waste of time. They said it had a 40 mile range. Tonight they brought out a Winegard PR-8800 which according to Winegard's website only does UHF. Well ABC is VHF. The PR-8800 is this huge monstrosity that sits on a tripod on top of the roof. When assembled it's about 5-6 feet wide and 6 feet off the roof. With the home owners association there is no way I can get away with that hideous thing on the roof. It got dark before he could finish so he is coming back tomorrow. I talked him into trying to move the original ant up to the top peak where there will be a better line of site to the towers. Now he has left for the night and I have no locals at all.

I can see how people get frustrated enough to cancel. I do not have the diplexors installed. They tried a better amp before the splitter that is used to run the signal upstairs and it didn't d any good either. Any other ideas I can have this guy try tomorrow? I get the same pixelation and loss of signal on both stb's, so I would think the problem is in the ant or assosiated cabling. They have rechecked all connectors already.
If you are only 12 miles from the towers, this all sounds strange. Did you try to see what type of antenna they recommend for your street address?

(merging Columbus threads...)
yea, it says the smallest omnidorectional ant should be fine. That is what I don't understand. If stand on my roof on a clear day I can see the stupid towers! I wonder if there is an issue with a splitter maybe? From the Ant to the stb's there are 2 butt connecteors, then the small preamp, then a splitter. One cab;e to the living room , then one cable up to the bedroom. The installed a winegard preamp last week, replacing the small one and it did no good. Is there a chance that splitter is causing a problem? I wouldn't think so. Once he shows up today and give me the ant back, if he can't solve it, I will take on myself. This can't be that hard.
If you are so close to your towers you can even try your antenna indoor. Connect it to the STB directly bypassing all those cables and amplifiers and see what happens. Or get a small indoor antenna, just for fun! I bet it would work!
Prostart came back. I had them take down the tripod and put up my Winegard GS200A, but this time up on the top peak of the house shooting over the trees and the other peak of the house.

Guess what?!!!
nbc, cbs, abc and fox all come in now. They were going to mess with it to try and get upn and pax. I never watch those anyways, so I said don't mess with it. I am getting siganl strength of 93-96 an all OTA's except pax and upn. they are 10-13. who care, I got to watch Simpsons.

The whole time the installer was doing this, he kept inisting it would not work since TV waves are not line of site. I kept telling that according to Winegards websote the GS2000A is Bidirectional. With it pointed right into a tree towards the towers I had noticed that when the wind blew, fox would freeze. I kept telling him that and he kept blowing me me off.

When they got it pointed all mentions came in perfect and he didn't say a word. :-)

Oh well, I win, I got my locals that I want.
Just a note about your antenna possibly not being OK with your home association. I live in Dublin,Oh and wasn't able to get CBS. Can you believe that? I went to Best Buy and ended up purchasing 2 different indoor antennas to try on both of my TV's that I have VOOM on, and they work perfectly. I just hooked them both up to my STB. Also, I just read an interesting article on the future of VOOM that was dated May 13th. I suggest reading it.
After This last visit with Prostar I get them all with the Winegard. I got lucky. Just tooks a few visits to get it right. It was all worth it though. I love Voom and i think they have gone out of their way to accomadate me.
I have merged the thread started by shaun-ohio into this one. Let's keep all OTA-related discussions for Columbus area in one thread, so it would be easier to find and follow.
Congratulations! I am glad it finally worked. I am getting poor reception with my antenna too, and now I think I know why: it doesn't have clear line of sight, a corner of the roof is on its way. I din't realize it would matter. I think if I move or raise it a little bit it would work much better. Thanks for sharing your experience.

What kind of indoor antennas have you bought and how much did they cost?

I bought the Jensen TV 920 for 39.99 and the Jensen TV 930 for 49.99. I bought them at Best Buy. I've gotten so many Reward Zone certificates, because it seems like I stop in the store about once a week. I'm a gadget freak and I love music and movies. I also am a big fan of soccer. I can't stand the MSL, because I've watched the European Leagues so much. I've been a Manchester United fan for so many years, and now of course I love to watch Real Madrid. I lived in Spain for a year in the 80's and I loved watching the matches. I also used to watch the Italian league to see most of the good players, but I don't watch them much anymore. Do you get good reception on Fox Sports World, because that is the one channel that comes in super fuzzy and I can't watch the Premier League anymore? Also, do you know where I can get a schedule for WorldSport? I've looked all over the web, and I can't find one. I never know if the Liga games are recent or old games.

Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll get one of those antennas, just to try.
I am also disappointed with the quality of Fox Sports World. Just can't watch it after WorldSport. I wonder if this has something to do with conversion from PAL to NTSC...

here is the list of soccer matches that you asked about. Enjoy!
Columbus, OH - Prostar Experience?

Well, I'm in Columbus, OH, and Pro Star Digital is doing the install.

I have done my homework and read a lot of the posts here in many VOOM forums, and I must say I am filled with dread :no .

Has anyone here used Pro Star Digital for their install? Am I going to suffer to get a good install?
Pro Star Dropping the Ball

I must say that I am quite discouraged with Voom service.

I was scheduled for an install on 12/11 only to have a no show/no call. It was rainy and snowy in the morning so I was quite willing to accept that I might not get installed that day, but not receiving a cancellation/reschedule was poor. I contacted voom a little after 5:00 (the end of my window) who then called Installs and came back and told me the tech was just running late, when I asked her how late he was running she had to put me on hold again to call installs, only to get disconnected. I called Voom back after 10 minutes (I don't know what I was thinking hoping for a quick call back) and got another service rep who tried to call Installs. Installs had temporarily closed for the evening. Are you kidding me? The Voom tech escalated my order and gave me Installs Phone Number.

The following day (12/14) I called Installs and found out that Pro Star was definitely doing the install and I got their phone number. Someone from Pro Star called in the afternoon and asked about an installation that was supposed to occur that day. I told him that it was supposed to be yesterday. And we scheduled it for Monday (12/13) at 5:30.

Monday at 5:30, no call, no show. I waited until around 6:00 and called Pro Star. The tech was running late at another install and the customer service rep said she left a voice mail to call in to the office or call me. Around 8:30 I called back and told her we were going to re-schedule for Tuesday (12/14) at 5:30. I then called Voom customer service to let them know this was happening and to get a complaint on my record there. He told me to call them tomorrow if the guy didn't show up and he would give me some sort of credit.

Guess what happened Tuesday? I got a call at 3:40 from someone at Pro Star asking if "the tech had arrived" (notice the past tense). At 5:40 I called Pro Star and the rep told me he was supposed to be here now and she would call him and tell him to call me. At 6:05 I called Voom back and she took it down and told me to call installs. I call installs and he tried to call the tech only to get no answer. I am quite frustrated now and I told the guy that if this tech didn't show up, I was going to cancel the order. I would wait for the tech if he was still going to show up. (I know traffic is kind of bad at 5-6:00). I get back on the phone with Pro Star and she tried to call the tech's home phone to get his roommate who told her he was still working, so she could not find him anywhere and expressed her concern.

Ok, now my attitude has change a little. I am quite fumed at Pro Star, but at the same time I hope this guy did not get into an accident. So I asked the rep to keep me informed if she finds out what the story is with this tech.

Meanwhile iI got online chat with a customer service rep through their website, who told me that he could give me a $25 rescheduling credit (whoo-hoo) but I was going to have to go through Installs.

At 8:50 I tried to call pro-star back and find out that they close at 8:00.

Called back to installs and they tired to call pro star (duh, closed) and she sent out an email to their field manager. Now I am supposed to get contacted today from the field manager.

While I was quite excited about Vooms lineup, it is really wearing on me with this install process. I have wasted the better of 3 days waiting for this install company.

I'll be waiting to be contacted today, but I might not ever be a Voom customer because their subs seem to be quite incompetent to me. This is a classic case of too many players with no communication between any of them. And Voom needs to be responsible for their subs, not passing the buck.

Is this the way it is going to be if ever I need service? If that is the case I am without a doubt calling an cancelling my order for Voom right now and staying with crappy cable.
I just email Jeff to let him know what is going on with you so he is aware and will be contact you if they sent him you number
Pro Star Tech arrived yesterday (12/15) right on time (Yay!). And after working for aobut 3 hours in the dark and cold, he was having trouble finding signal. I really thanked him for trying, but we needed to reschedule for daytime, the roof was starting to get icy and it just wasn't safe for him to be up there. I know that I wouldn't want to be up there in those conditions, so how could I expect him to be? I told him that we could reschedule for him to come out and finish this Saturday while there is daylight and the potential for not suck a slick roof.

So hopefully I will have full programming and be watching Voom this Saturday. (I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he shows back up.)
what a headache

well, after the tech called me at noon (scheduled for 11) and told me his car broke down. i told him to get someone else out today.

Keeping this story short, (i have already kept the others quite long) I got an installer out to my house around 6:00 after quite a few phone calls to Installs and ProStar.

The tech that came out was awesome, he worked fast and he was quite competent. I felt a little sorry for him as it was his 5th install of the day . It is not his fault his supervisers tell him what to do, while i get told something else from customer service.

anyways, he had no trouble finding reception and set everything up perfect.

I am glad to be watching programming now, but after my experience, I would suggest to potential voomers in and around columbus ohio to request a different company do the install other than prostar digital.

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