Any Voomers from Sacramento, CA ?

Sacramento, CA Area Voomers

Is anyone in the Sacramento area getting KQCA-58? It's in my PG, but no signal. Haven't tried to deal with it in mapping yet. Was just wondering if anyone is having problems?


I get it from my existing setup.
I put up a UHF antenna and amp last year when I got my dish 6000.
At first 3 and 58 were on the same chnl.
58 is on it's own chnl. now.
Some times 3 and other's, are just not on the air with their digital broadcasts.
The other AM I went to watch the ch 3 5am news and the sig. level was zero.
By the time I got home from work it was back on air.
My Voom install is scheduled for tomrrow afternoon.
I can let you know if it works for me after the install.
By the way I'm in Grass Valley.
I live in Roseville. Frustrated with DirecTV's lack of commitment to high definition television, I took the plunge and signed up for Voom's premium services. I had heard that there could be potential problems with availability of service here on the west coast because of the location of Voom's satellite at 61.5 degrees, but I figured it would be worth the try.

My install was scheduled today. The installer arrived on time was professional and courteous. He made several attempts to get line of sight to the satellite on my two story house to no avail. So, because there are many beautiful large old trees in my neighborhood, I will not be enjoying Voom tonight. It was and is extremely frustrating.

The installer said he has only been able to install about 40% of customers in our area because of LOS problems with trees, other buildings, etc. This issue apparently will be different house to house and neighborhood to neighborhood.
I am able to get channel 58. It was mapped initially when I was first installed, but I didn't receive it. Several days later channel 58 does did come in. The only local channel I do not get is channel 31 and it isn't mapped. I wrote to get it mapped and hopefully the new software upgrade will take care of that. I live by Arco Arena and my reception by OTA and STB is in the 90's
Channel 58's been kind of flaky the last couple of weeks. It's usually on 58-1 then went out for a few days (but someone AVS reported seeing it on 58-2 for a bit). Before it went down was having some issues (lots of dropouts and synch problems). A few days ago it came back up and I've been receiving it since.
The install went ok.
I have / made a opening in the tree branches so I could get a shot at the sat.
See other posts I have made for more detail.
I replaced a Dish6000 setup with voom so I was already getting off the air stations.
I lucked out on the OTH side also.
There is a gap between 2 trees, 2 houses down, that allowed me to get sacramento stations.
My voom is doing fine, after the box updated itself to the latest software.
I will say that version 00.05.08 is sloooooow, like it's on valium, or something.
Watching Godzilla movies today :D
I checked my system today and Chennel 31 was mapped and it comes in very clear. So now everything comes in fine and the PQ is fantastic. Channels 3, 6, 10, 13, 31, 40, and 58 are there nice and clear.
Tobar said:
I checked my system today and Chennel 31 was mapped and it comes in very clear. So now everything comes in fine and the PQ is fantastic. Channels 3, 6, 10, 13, 31, 40, and 58 are there nice and clear.

Channel 31 does not come in if you live south of Stockton (Manteca), it's mapped but from what I have heard their transmitter is not very strong and only supports the sac metro area.
I live in Folsom and Ch-58 just disappeared for almost 4 weeks. STB showed good signal (85) and the little satellite icon on STB remained green but no picture. However, since last week and half I am getting this channel crystal clear. Ch-31 is coming crystal clear also.
aralam said:
I live in Folsom and Ch-58 just disappeared for almost 4 weeks. STB showed good signal (85) and the little satellite icon on STB remained green but no picture. However, since last week and half I am getting this channel crystal clear. Ch-31 is coming crystal clear also.

This is strange. Last night I saw the mapping for 31 but it didn't come in, also 40 stopped coming in last night. I also don't get 10.2 (the weather map) any more but still get 85 on the signal meter.
31 and 40-1,2 are coming just fine. Weather Radar on 10-2 has stopped working for me also. I also do not get 19-1,2 from the day Voom installed ... they say the stations are far from Folsom ...
aralam said:
31 and 40-1,2 are coming just fine. Weather Radar on 10-2 has stopped working for me also. I also do not get 19-1,2 from the day Voom installed ... they say the stations are far from Folsom ...

Yes they are, they are in Modesto.
Sacramento Area Channel 3 Lost

Has anyone else lost KCRA Channel 3 in the Sacramento area? This morning it had only sound, no picture--and now I don't even get sound. The little green satellite is on (2 different STBs), but just a black screen.

I have never gotten 3-2, but the satellite does go red when I try to tune that, and it says it's not getting a signal.

I've contacted the channel, and they are not having technical problems, plus I get sound and picture on two other sets that are not connected to an STB. Any ideas? :confused:
I'm in Sac and yep, 3's down for me too. I'll ask about it on the AVS local reception forum.
I sent an email to the engineering dept about it (we'll see if I get a response, I've emailed them about KQCA before (same tower) and it's been ignored). Someone on AVS said they're not getting it either.

Edit -looks like it was region-wide, but KCRA-DT is back up now (as of about 2:40).

What about Ch 58 ? It seems to be gone too .... I am Folsom, Ca and used to get this till 5 days ago ....
aralam said:
What about Ch 58 ? It seems to be gone too .... I am Folsom, Ca and used to get this till 5 days ago ....
I had 58 earlier this AM (around 7:30, I think) but when I just tried to tune it, first I got the no signal message, tried again, and now have the most incredible pixelization I've ever seen!! Looks like a giant Rubick's Cube (if anyone here is old enough to remember what that was!) ;)

Try Deeann's suggestion of checking AVS forum, if you haven't already. I will check them too.


Report channels missing from the Super-DMA

Boston OTA and dish 811 for voom
