Any Tricks to Leaving Dish?


Original poster
Nov 28, 2003
In a few weeks I'll cancel my account with DISH. Any tricks for getting out without a hassle? I'll be sure and mention the lack of HD content and mishaps as a cause when the grill me :D
Make sure your not in a contract. If you are switching to another service provider then do not tell them that. Just tell them that you cannot afford it anymore that you are on a tight budget and just going to use an OTA antenna for a while. Dont let them talk you into keeping the $5 per month fee for seasonal disconnect that still keeps your account active.

I have had a customer that wanted to shut the service off because he wanted to go back to DirecTv because of a promotion they were offering. Dish Network would not let him shut his system off without a reason. He told them that he should not have to give them a reason and they were like "sorry, we cannot shut it off until you give us a reason" and he said he had a heck of a time with them. He will probably NEVER go back and tell others how bad Dish is now and how they are.
Stargazer said:
I have had a customer that wanted to shut the service off because he wanted to go back to DirecTv because of a promotion they were offering. Dish Network would not let him shut his system off without a reason. He told them that he should not have to give them a reason and they were like "sorry, we cannot shut it off until you give us a reason" and he said he had a heck of a time with them. He will probably NEVER go back and tell others how bad Dish is now and how they are.

That's sad. You shouldn't have to give a reason if you don't want to. I'd have to go around bad-mouthing them too if that was the case.

~Alan<~~~~~~~~Who wants to go home...
ride525 said:
Lack of HD content?
I curious where you are going that might have more HD content....



Comcast in eastern MA offers the following:

802 PBS HD -- WGBH
804 CBS HD -- WBZ
805 ABC HD -- WCVB
807 NBC HD -- WHDH
825 FOX HD -- WFXT
881 INHD
882 INHD 2

Also HD content ON DEMAND, FREE(!!) with the respective premium channel subscription. This is a cumulative subset of the premium channel's HD content for that month, streamed and controlled (FF, RW, Pause, Stop, Resume) at your leisure...
Tell them whatever you want. If you want to complain, feel free. If you just want them to cancel, just tell them to "cancel, i'm not paying anymore".

Bottom line is once you reach retention, and you will, you're talking to a salesperson who will say anything to get you to stay. They may even offer you something .. discounted services or hardware, who knows.

Bottom line is it just doesn't matter. If you really want to leave, tell them to "shut up and cancel my service". Sure, that might seem rude, but how many times do you have to tell a salesperson, "No", "Cancel", or whatever before they get the clue.

A salesperson's job is to stay "in control" of the conversation and steer towards their product. Just take control of the conversation. YOU steer it to "just cancel me", if that's what you really want.

Can you tell I REALLY hate rude salespeople?
Funny thing is sometimes you cannot get them to shut the service off just as I had described above while other times I have read where they have told the customers they were just going to shut their system off after having arguments when there bill was not overdue.
I cancelled in December. I wasn't under any contract and no problem cancelling. They asked why and I didn't have any problems telling them why, no HD additional and the 811 was a POS, the retention CSR agreeded with me (things must really be bad in Dish). The rep said that I didn't owe them any money, I had a zero balance. I had to remind him that they owed me money since there was about 3 weeks left in that months billing cycle. At that point I expected them to say we don't refund that but I was surprised, he said yes I was right and I had a credit in three days.

On Monday Comcast turns up Starz-HD and Cinemax-HD for our system, still no word from Charlie when Dish would have them and what it would take to get them.
ride525 said:
Lack of HD content?
I curious where you are going that might have more HD content....



Heading for the dark side (cable co). Cablevision of NJ (IO) has something like 10 channels of HD and they seem to be adding more every couple of months. Have a bunch more movie channels as long as you subscribe to the SD one you get the HD version. D* & E* are missing the boat right now. Can't say I won't be back some day but for now I want to give someone else a try.

Cablevision owns that VOOM startup so who knows maybe someday I'll be running a combo of both sat & cable.
Stargazer said:
Funny thing is sometimes you cannot get them to shut the service off just as I had described above while other times I have read where they have told the customers they were just going to shut their system off after having arguments when there bill was not overdue.

I know someone who sent their Pegasus bill in three days late, they turned on the TV, didn't see anything, called Pegasus to explain, Pegasus found where they paid their bill and offered to turn them back on. They told them no thanks and switched to Dish Network.

Well if your one year is up with dish it wont be a problem. If you are still in the first year of the contract look for them to charge you the disconnect fee usually $240.

Try to disconnect from Pegasus...first you have to jump through hooks if you have no password..usually what the last to bill amounts are. Then they have to know why you want to disconnect then they will transfer you to the disconnect dept. The last two times i have been disconnected when being transfered to the disconnect department. Call back in and jump through Hoops a second time. When you get to the disconnect department the same questions then will offer you locals or something to keep you for next three months.
Pegasus is the hardest to disconnect from IMO.
mboy said:
Stop paying, they will disconnect u real quick!

Ummmm... Not the best way to disconnect. That is unless you don't care about your credit rating.

Now, the best way, as I see it, is to say "I want to disconnect service." They say "why is that." You say "I want to disconnect, period, what is your name please." You go through their tree, repeating each time. Finally, you say "I have all the names of the people I talked to regarding this disconnect. I'm finished talking, disconnect or I will not pay any future charges." Let them try to take that to court. It all has to do with record keeping. You have every leg to stand on.
Bruno said:
Well if your one year is up with dish it wont be a problem. If you are still in the first year of the contract look for them to charge you the disconnect fee usually $240.

Try to disconnect from Pegasus...first you have to jump through hooks if you have no password..usually what the last to bill amounts are. Then they have to know why you want to disconnect then they will transfer you to the disconnect dept. The last two times i have been disconnected when being transfered to the disconnect department.

Perhaps that's what they mean by the "Disconnect" department? A real easy way to disconnect with Pegasus: Stop paying. :D
stop paying to go into a hard disconnect THEN pay your bill before it goes into collections. That way you will not have to worry about nagging about getting it shut off and dont ruin your credit.

Superstations, $$$ for one, package?

best way to install 2nd box

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