You act as though this is my first rodeo dealing with businesses. It is certainly not. Trust me, if DirectTV mistreats me then I will deal with it when it comes. As for the education part of it,.....experience is always the best educator. Through my experiences with Dish, they do not value you in the least (taking Voom away, never giving real upgrade offers to their customers, etc). You see, education needs to take place on their part. Because paying around 1,200k a year is certainly not cheap (as you put it) and DISH lost that money because they would not upgrade me. So, this is the way I see it.... I have paid around 3,600k to Dish on time and they could not give me a $150 perk? I can assure you, if more people were like me with this,... this issue would not be a problem.
By the way, I have NEVER upgraded with dish. I certainly have no desires to upgrade with DirectTV either, but the fact that they do allow upgrades based on payment history is something that DISH should adopt. Thanks again for the dialogue.
Obviously, Dish doesn't feel your precious $97/month is worthy of giving you HD receivers for free or they wouldn't let you walk.
You actually are a legend in your own mind.
Adios and good bye.