Happy to report that the Rocketfish 3-way splitter did the trick.
Thanks to all for the input.
Thanks to all for the input.

I use this one, and it's outstanding: Amazon product ASIN B001EKCGT8
Note: If you can't see the link from Amazon I've posted above, temp disable your ad blocker, and do a refresh...
How is it passive if it's amplifying the signal on all 4 legs? Won't this just have the same effect as the VH240R?
It's "passive return" as opposed to an active return amp.
It's active on the FORWARD. Amplifies the signals travaling from the "input" port to the output ports +8 db
For signals going from the "output" ports back to the input port it act's like a passive 4way splitter.
5-42Mhz is Return
54+ is Forward.
This stuff comes in to play when you use these amps on a CATV system with stuff that talks both ways like cable modems and Digital STB's.
You don't want an active return amp on an OTA antenna system. You want a passive return amp like the one linked.
If an amp lists these specs then its a good chance its a quality amp.
Yes with amps more is not always better.From recent experience in 2 different OTA environments, distribution amps do nothing but reduce signal quality and amplify noise *when a preamp is already in the mix.* I've stopped using distro amps completely. If I had a very long coax run it might be needed, but to simply split a signal 3 or 4 ways it is not. Again, just speaking from my personal experience with this.