I was referring to 'net mainly. I get sick of hearing "there's nothing out there" when I know better! The idea of an internet radio opens up many possibilities and GEMS in local radio stations from all over the place. Sure, the corporate idiots have ruined some stations, but let's not turn the radio industry entirely into "it's all bad"...because it's not. It's time for the good stations to do some marketing and re-gain the ears of the disbelievers. If WE can do it, any station can do it. We don't have a big budget, don't run thousands of dollars in processing and have a staff of 1.7, yet we DO it. There are others with the same passion. The listener's assignment now that 'net radio is out there is to FIND some station they like and become loyal. Yes, online listening matters....even if listening from a distance...because stations have to track online listenership for royalties, and that means there are REAL numbers of listeners for advertisers, many of those listeners may be on the fringe of terrestrial, but in driving distance to the town for it's advertisers. Online DOES help. Now....go searching!