Any PVR942's that work?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Aug 30, 2005
Are there any owners of the PVR 942 that have a unit that works the way it is supposed to? Only have heard all the negatives. Mine died on me the first hour I had it running. Gave up a perfectly good 522 for this.Going to get a new 942 sent to me on Monday if it dosn't work properly I'm going back to what I had before. :(
Larrykay said:
Are there any owners of the PVR 942 that have a unit that works the way it is supposed to? Only have heard all the negatives. Mine died on me the first hour I had it running. Gave up a perfectly good 522 for this.Going to get a new 942 sent to me on Monday if it dosn't work properly I'm going back to what I had before. :(

My wife has had hers for only seven days and we have had no problems that we have noticed. (We did have the sound out of synch on one show... changed cannel and then changed back and there was no problem. Don't know if that was 942 related.)
Look at it this way, when you can't get the Mpeg 4 HD channels, they'll
have to send you a new 411 to watch HD, when they want your 942 in exchange for a 411. Now you need a PVR, unless they let you keep the 942,
or swap for a 522.
Tell them since this is how it going to be going down, you'll feel more
comfortable holding the 522 right now, since their holding your Social & long term contract.

I lost hope with the 811, then 921.

If the 411 has any sign of a problem, perhaps we can tell them to keep the mpeg 2 stream going for all HD & we'll watch with a 6000 till they can be trusted.
Fortunately I am not under any contract with them, But I will go back if this HD942 dosn't wotk out. Was'nt real happy with the Pic. quality when it did work. Probably because the unit was defective to begin with.
If you get the first year model run of a car you can and should expect it to have bugs, same goes for any other product out there.
I'm one of probably many very happy 942 users out there. The only problem I've ever had was with the HDMI connection blacking out. It may happen once a month. Turning off then on or disconnecting and reconnecting the cable fixes it immediately. The picture quality is great, I've never missed recordings, etc...

I will, however, grumble if there isn't a straightforward upgrade path for an MP4-compatible HD-DVR when they become available.

For a great many of us, our 942s have been working very well the past several months...until that dreaded L2.80/L2.81 software update. It's like taking your well running vehicle in for preventative maintenance only to blow a gasket and have all four wheels pop off after leaving the service station.
Mine is working very well. It has few nuisances, but nothing significant.

I had it for 5 months now.
I've had mine since June 2005 and never had an issue with it that I recall.

It changes channels quickly without locking up like my old SA8000HD from Charter Cable did; the programming guide is attractive and functional; the DVR functions all seem to work flawlessly; the sound quality is superb, especially on the HD channels; and both the SD and HD picture quality is superior to that of the 811 or my old SA8000HD from Charter Cable (soft HD and very poor SD).

Enjoy your 942 -- it gives one's family many entertainment opportunities at a very reasonable cost -- combined with an upcoverting DVD player from Sony and Netflix -- we almost never go out to the Cineplex anymore.
Larrykay said:
Are there any owners of the PVR 942 that have a unit that works the way it is supposed to? Only have heard all the negatives. Mine died on me the first hour I had it running. Gave up a perfectly good 522 for this.Going to get a new 942 sent to me on Monday if it dosn't work properly I'm going back to what I had before. :(

I've had mine since Voom went dark and all had been as it should be.
It's run day and night with no freeze ups or the like.
i have had my 942 receiver for about 2 weeks
hooked up using the component cable....
excellent picture.....excellent problems so far..
Have had mine about a month. Works fine, no issues with the software update. However, i dont use OTA, as i cant get em, in a valley, and i think most people are having issues there it seems.

Never missed a rercording, use playback and PIP all the time - no issues.
Van said:
If you get the first year model run of a car you can and should expect it to have bugs, same goes for any other product out there.

Yes, except that with E*, if you wait until the second year, it is hopelessly dated and Charlie has lost interest in supporting it.

Jay - 4920 that is on life support and 508 that seems to be heading that way.
Dish Customer since 11/96
freezing up

riffjim4069 said:
For a great many of us, our 942s have been working very well the past several months...until that dreaded L2.80/L2.81 software update. It's like taking your well running vehicle in for preventative maintenance only to blow a gasket and have all four wheels pop off after leaving the service station.

I have had freezing up of a picture since L-2.80/2.81 have come out is that the problem and not my hard drive?
OTA analog coming out for the 942 ever?

install amp

D1000 with 2 Legacy receivers
