I've got an antenna mounted on a tower outside, it's about 35 to 40 foot up. It doesn't get very good reception. It's using the old flat (300 ohm?) cable, which I think the wind has tore up pretty good over the years. I also suspect that the amplifier up on the antenna is pretty much shot.
I'd like to run new coax up to the antenna and into the TV. I've got the coax to do that. But I'm not too much of a heights person and 40 foot up is a bit too far for me and even if I could get up there, I'm not sure I'd have two hands to do anything with.
Is this something I could have hired out to have someone do. If I provided the coax and got a new amplifier (the right kind) would they climb up there or bring a lift and hook that up. Where would I go to find someone to do such a task? Any ideas on about how much it would cost? Would some of the local satellite installers do something like this? What would be a typical charge? Are we talking like $50 or $200 or even more? I don't expect anybody to nail down a specific price, I'd just like to know a general ballpark figure of what I could expect to pay and if a local satellite installer if that is something they might do.
I'd like to run new coax up to the antenna and into the TV. I've got the coax to do that. But I'm not too much of a heights person and 40 foot up is a bit too far for me and even if I could get up there, I'm not sure I'd have two hands to do anything with.
Is this something I could have hired out to have someone do. If I provided the coax and got a new amplifier (the right kind) would they climb up there or bring a lift and hook that up. Where would I go to find someone to do such a task? Any ideas on about how much it would cost? Would some of the local satellite installers do something like this? What would be a typical charge? Are we talking like $50 or $200 or even more? I don't expect anybody to nail down a specific price, I'd just like to know a general ballpark figure of what I could expect to pay and if a local satellite installer if that is something they might do.