Antenna placement, Strength


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 9, 2006
Howdy, :)

Is the Sirius Satellite stationary? Or does it move? That could cause a degradation in signal strength. The reason I ask this is to see where I currently have the antenna located for my TT device for Sirius. This antenna is the one that came with the TT device.

I currently have the antenna strung thru my home office and sits on a dresser facing SE.

I believe I get good reception since TT Recast displays the bar in the middle, and I can listen to the receiver at any time.

However I want to place my antenna outside to ensure, and rule out that I get the best reception but with the limited 21 feet length that came with the TT device it can't.

I attempted to buy a 40 ft. Sirius Home Audio Antenna cable from Best Buy but for some reason when I attempt to use this type of antenna cable then I get low bar activity in TT Recast. So based on this the Car Antenna must be different than the Home Audio Antenna.

Also checking Sirius website they only carry the 21 ft of cable for the car ant.

So what is everyone else using? Is anyone using a outside Antenna with thier TT device. Thanks to all for your responses.
Great question...

While XM uses geosynchronous satellites (they sit in one place over the equator), Sirius' satellites (3 of them) orbit in a giant figure-eight over North America. Because of this, the best place for Sirius subscribers to put their antennas may not necessarily be south-facing. Here's what Sirius suggests:

Thanks for your reply Derek. Do you know how/where I can get a longer Antenna cable than the one that came with my TT. As stated in the original email I purchased a 40 ft. Sirius Antenna cable for Home/Audio and it actually looked like it would be better but it did not work at all. Thanks :)
You can try Crutchfeild... they have a lot of different antennas and extension cables.

Hi everyone,

I realized last night why the 50 ft. Sirius (TERK) antenna cable that my wife picked up for me did not work with my TT device was because it was just a extension cable, so there was no antenna on the end of this cable. I know, I know..... I feel kinda :o

So last night I connected the 50 ft Sirius (TERK) extension cable to the Sirius receiver and then the other end I connected the car antenna that came with the TT device, (after first removing the rubber bushing) I did not get a chance to try to see if it improved the reception but based on what I am stating will this work?

I plan to use some electrical tape to help the two stay together but will the car antenna cable be ok to place outside? The extension cable looks a lot more durable to withstand the elements of being outdoors than the car antenna.

Thanks everyone..... :)
You will have no problems with the car antenna on the roof of your house or outside.

After all ... it was designed to sit on a roof of a car...

Great question though....

For my setup at home I have ordered some of the Terk Marine Antennas... they are omni-directional and look pretty cool....

I just wanted to say thanks to Derek and everyone else for the support that I received.

I am very happy to state that after utilizing a 50 ft extension cable, and the Car Antenna then I am getting perfect recordings. :up

As Homer Simpson would say Whoo Hoo!:D

:) :D :) :D :cool:

Many people don't want to believe us when we say that 90% of the time issues are because of signal strength.

It is users like yourself that take our word for it and do what they can to improve their signal strength with positive results.

Glad to hear it worked for you!


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