Well, my antenna has been installed. It's working even better than I expected, and overall I'm very happy with the results. The installers were very friendly and professional, and seemed to know what they were doing.
I do have one or two concerns, however. They did use the existing ground block for the coax run, so that's good, but there was no additional ground cabling run. I know jayn_j recommended a separate ground, and I've seen that mentioned elsewhere as well. Some people insist on it, while others say that no cabling is going to be full protection from a lightning strike, so the best you can do is draw out static electricity to make the antenna a less likely target. Should I complain about this?
Also, my installation is tripod style. It's not their fault at all; it's really the only option given the style of my house/roof. But, I'm still mildly concerned about anything that has to penetrate the roof. I plan on checking in the attic for signs of leakage occasionally, but are there any other precautions I should take?