Years ago I lost a TI C-band receiver twice and both times the repair tech told me it came in throught the phone line (on-demand). My provider threatened to cancel my sub if I didn't connect the line but I held fast and never lost it again.
Years ago I lost a TI C-band receiver twice and both times the repair tech told me it came in throught the phone line (on-demand). My provider threatened to cancel my sub if I didn't connect the line but I held fast and never lost it again.
Dish Network receiver modems used to die with regularity here. Only the modems, but the stupid things would often fail off-hook so your phone would be inoperable until you realized what was going on.
Thankfully I've never had any major damage. Just a lot of electronics getting fried. It's just a lot of trouble to get everything replaced and then get the claim together.