Another Stupid Question

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 24, 2003
I see for $20.00 more I can get "Tri-Satellite (Triple-LNB) Dish Included."

What does that buy me?

Is it worth it?
No such thing as being future proofed.

Mark my words: Dish is going to continue it's race to the bottom so that it can squeeze everyone out. If it can't own it's competitors, it will drive them out of business.

See what happens when there's no competition left.
Good thing this is a Directv forum and not a DISH forum. :D

The Phase-III dish is the dish to get for now. Later on once the new satellites are launched D* is rumored to have a 5-LNB dish coming.

As of right now though the Phase-III (triple LNB) dish is the dish to get.
silversurfer01973 said:
The triple LNB is required for some locals as well as HDTV. I would say go for it that way you are "future proofed".

tward - you didn't tell us where you're at, so that we could tell you which satellite YOUR locals are on, but do be aware that some markets (like mine) require a 2nd 18" dish - if you do NOT have it in those markets, you still won't get your locals, regardless if you have the oval dish or not.
Additionally, if you have the Triple-LNB dish, you are still locked out of the dish at 95* where the new international channels are coming in from. At this point, a second dish is required for that satellite.
Until the 5-LNB dish comes out unless all you want is internationals you have no choice but to go the 2 dish route.
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