Another reason to dislike Baseball.....spoiled, annoying, pompous athletes.

Just another example of our tax dollars at work. Don't these guys have more important things to do? Unemployment (major problem where I live) the war in Iraq, come to mind.
One thing that everyone neglects is the player's union. The union is very powerful and will not allow a salary cap. They will always argue against it and say that there is always an owner that would be willing to spend the money -- like Hicks, Texas.
We need to get to the next commisonier, and have him put his foot down, and make a statement. The he can say there will be a solid cap, no getting around it.
start at 50m to 125m and eventually move the low end up to 70-75.

NO more luxury tax BS.
Give the teams 2-3 years to reach the 50-125 figure. Make it so a team can resign it's own players to different contract, so they don't risk losing them , like the NHL mistake that was made.

Who do we want for the next Commish.
ALSO and very important, the next Commish's pay will be split between the Owners AND the Player assoc., so the commish will not be slanted to the owners side as drastically as it is now.


Ps. can someone forward this thread to MLB ?

You know, I actually disagree with most of the people in this thread. Baseball is generating the kind of dollars right now to pay these salaries. Would you rather see the owners get even more filthy rich by putting a salary cap in place. And to be honest, do you really think it would help the competive balance. Actually, more teams have made the play-offs and won championships in baseball in the last 4-5 years that the "model" salary cap sport of the NFL. The players union in the MLB is too powerful but the other extreme of having the least powerful player's association in the NFL is not good either.

Don't get me wrong, I would like to see both MLB and the NFL become more family friendly in terms of the dollars commanded game tickets, television subscriptions (with LESS BLACKOUTS), official jerseys, etc... but these are the times we live in....and I am such a huge MLB, NFL (not to mention college football and NHL) and like the products they are putting on the field, that I will still buy ST and EI each year and tickets to the actual events a few times a year.
They won't see it and I'll tell you why. As long as there are teams...and I hate to say this because I like them...but as long as teams like the Marlins and Twins and A's that can constantly compete with a incredibly low payroll....they can always say..."well look at the Marlins, their payroll was UNDER 30 million and they were in hunt for a playoff spot until the last 2 weeks of the season.....". For every Royals, Pirates and Devil Rays......all they need to justify NOT having a cap is ONE Marlins team...and that is it....

Even though I live in a small market, and I know my Pirates can't compete with the Red Sox, Yanks and Cubs for better free agents, I realize it's part of the game.

But the problems with the Royals, Pirates and Devil Rays aren't the market they play in, it's the owners.

I can only speak for the Pirates, but they have to have the worst owners and General manager in baseball, because the Marlins, A's and Twins can have a competitive team almost every year.

Don't blame a lack of a salary cap for the bad baseball teams, blame the owners.

I don't care how small of a market you play in, in a period of 14 years you think a team would play at .500 or better, but not in Pittsburgh.

Blame the owners, there killing the small market teams.

It's obvious that a small market can have a winning team, just look at the Steelers and the success the penguins are having lately.
One thing that everyone neglects is the player's union. The union is very powerful and will not allow a salary cap. They will always argue against it and say that there is always an owner that would be willing to spend the money -- like Hicks, Texas.

And the owner of your team. "The Boss" Steinbrenner.
I will ALWAYS favor the players over the owners. And to me, you cannot fault the players....they go to THEIR lawyers and demand to get them the best deal possible. I mean if someone offered me $100,000 for what I do...I sure as hell would NOT say no. But it's when the athletes use the "I gotta feed my family" excuse when they reject a contract that pays them over 4 or 5 million a year that really pisses me off.....LOL....Hello Latrell Spreewell....LMAO
I will ALWAYS favor the players over the owners. And to me, you cannot fault the players....they go to THEIR lawyers and demand to get them the best deal possible. I mean if someone offered me $100,000 for what I do...I sure as hell would NOT say no. But it's when the athletes use the "I gotta feed my family" excuse when they reject a contract that pays them over 4 or 5 million a year that really pisses me off.....LOL....Hello Latrell Spreewell....LMAO

Hello Barry Bonds during the strike year when he said he should go on unemployment to feed his family.
Hello Barry Bonds during the strike year when he said he should go on unemployment to feed his family.

YEP...GOOD example. But again, I would never fault the players. Hell, the ONLY owner I know of that OWNS his team AND his stadium is Wayne Heizinga(sp?). Other than that, EVERY SINGLE OWNER of EVERY SINGLE SPORT has blackmailed their respective cities into buying/building them a stadium. Yet the owners at EVERY SINGLE collective bargaining negociation....they cry poverty! Then, when they sign a NEW collective bargaining agreement with the get journeymen pitchers and everyday players that weren't that good getting extentions for 5, 6, 7 million a year....and some fans have the nerve to call THE PLAYERS greed??!!:eek: Fans do this ONLY because they see who much player A signed rarely see the media go nutz on just how much money Mr. Steinbrenner pocketed last year.....
You know, I actually disagree with most of the people in this thread. Baseball is generating the kind of dollars right now to pay these salaries. Would you rather see the owners get even more filthy rich by putting a salary cap in place. And to be honest, do you really think it would help the competive balance. Actually, more teams have made the play-offs and won championships in baseball in the last 4-5 years that the "model" salary cap sport of the NFL. The players union in the MLB is too powerful but the other extreme of having the least powerful player's association in the NFL is not good either.

Don't get me wrong, I would like to see both MLB and the NFL become more family friendly in terms of the dollars commanded game tickets, television subscriptions (with LESS BLACKOUTS), official jerseys, etc... but these are the times we live in....and I am such a huge MLB, NFL (not to mention college football and NHL) and like the products they are putting on the field, that I will still buy ST and EI each year and tickets to the actual events a few times a year.

A cap would help the balance since everyone start at the same place. If we both went to buy a car for a race and you had $100,000 and I had $10,000 who do you think is going to get the better car? And unless your car breaks down I have no chance. Unions suck.

glad you enjoy it just wish each team had a legit chance each year and wheather or not they succeeded was based on how they managed and ran their teams not who can afford the most and best players.

Boston drop what $50 mil on the RIGHTS to a player? that is more than a handful of teams spend on their whole payroll. If you can enjoy that more power to you;)
YEP...GOOD example. But again, I would never fault the players. Hell, the ONLY owner I know of that OWNS his team AND his stadium is Wayne Heizinga(sp?). Other than that, EVERY SINGLE OWNER of EVERY SINGLE SPORT has blackmailed their respective cities into buying/building them a stadium. Yet the owners at EVERY SINGLE collective bargaining negociation....they cry poverty! edia go nutz on just how much money Mr. Steinbrenner pocketed last year.....

Not EVERY owner as you mentioned, but a lot of them.
I am not in Detroit, but I don't think that Mr. Illich has held up the city for money for anything. Most of it comes from his media company and othrers associated with them.
I could be wrong about this, but I don't think he told Detroit that he would not build Comerica if the fans did not pay for it.

Joe Lewis Arena will be going bye bye in the next 10 years at most, we'll see then...

YEP...GOOD example. But again, I would never fault the players. Hell, the ONLY owner I know of that OWNS his team AND his stadium is Wayne Heizinga(sp?). Other than that, EVERY SINGLE OWNER of EVERY SINGLE SPORT has blackmailed their respective cities into buying/building them a stadium. Yet the owners at EVERY SINGLE collective bargaining negociation....they cry poverty! Then, when they sign a NEW collective bargaining agreement with the get journeymen pitchers and everyday players that weren't that good getting extentions for 5, 6, 7 million a year....and some fans have the nerve to call THE PLAYERS greed??!!:eek: Fans do this ONLY because they see who much player A signed rarely see the media go nutz on just how much money Mr. Steinbrenner pocketed last year.....

Here in Pittsburgh the Penguins and the government are negotiating for a new arena, the government officials are taking there time trying to get a deal done, and Mario is getting tired of that, he's looking at other cities to move the team.

Most people here are backing the Penguins not the government, I think if it's fair the government paid for a new football and baseball stadiums they should also pay for a new all purpose arena.

Steinbrenner if I heard right is paying for his new arena and so are the Mets(correct me if I'm wrong). The Rooneys could of paid for there own stadium, but why should they if the state will pay for it.

There are teams that can't afford that. like the Penguins and I'm sure there are many more. When the NHL went on strike the city lost millions of dollars in revenue, so the team in all reality does have the city buy there ba**s.
Not EVERY owner as you mentioned, but a lot of them.
I am not in Detroit, but I don't think that Mr. Illich has held up the city for money for anything. Most of it comes from his media company and othrers associated with them.
I could be wrong about this, but I don't think he told Detroit that he would not build Comerica if the fans did not pay for it.

Joe Lewis Arena will be going bye bye in the next 10 years at most, we'll see then...


Jimbo, we payed for infrastructure and possibly part of the stadium (Comerica). I believe we payed totally for Joe Louis. Ilitch is currently "studying" plans for the next arena- be it improving Joe Louis Arena or building a new arena. I'm hoping for a new arena, the Joe is a blight on ther riverside, and they need the room to expand the Cobo center anyhow. The Michigan Palace (Pistons) was payed for entirely by the Piston's owner (Davidson). I don't remember for sure, but I believe Ford Field (Lions - Rebuilding since 1957!) was funded allmost entirely by Mr. Ford also. At any rate I wouldn't be looking for any public assistance in Detroit to build a new hockey arena, given the current economic status, outside of infrastructure. I believe a decision on the new arena to be coming this year.
Paul, so are you saying that the Joe and Comerica was (IS) paid for with taxes ?
I did not know that, I thought that Mr. I paid for most of it, obviously I was wrong, but then again, I am not up there...

Last I heard and it's been a while, that Mr. Ilich is looking to build a new place for the Wings kinda behind Hockeytown Cafe / Fox Theatre ...
Have you heard anything more concrete ?
Can you imagine Red Wing tickets being higher in price ?
Actually there are a number of teams with tickets that are over $ 100 per seat... Yikes !!!

Well at least the Wings held the line on this year's playoff tickets. They'll be the same as last year, which are still way beyond what I could afford. As for Comerica park, most of the bill was paid for by Mr. Illitch. Still waiting to hear about whether they are going to upgrade the Joe or build a new arena. Everybody is being tight-lipped because they don't want to drive the real estate prices up.

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