I know. The president of Time Warner once said that people who get their television over the air are lame. I think Dish SD is lame. I'd like to see it go away forever.No, way to many Mpeg-2 SD boxes still in use..
I know. The president of Time Warner once said that people who get their television over the air are lame. I think Dish SD is lame. I'd like to see it go away forever.No, way to many Mpeg-2 SD boxes still in use..
Did we not discussthis GF once before?Try to beat this... I was watching a DVR'ed show when I got the message 'out of recording space'... the GF filled the DVR w/ Judge Judy, DR OZ and Dr Phill...all in HD.
No, way to many Mpeg-2 SD boxes still in use..
That's amazing. How do people watch it? That SD picture is crap.exactly. Me thinks there are more SD receivers out there than HD on the pay subscribers
Wish Dish would get rid of all their SD signals so they could increase bitrate for their HD. Not that they would see it that way...