Another Awsome Screwup

Secondly send a certified letter to the CEO's office with a required returned signature receipt, threatening to take them to court over this and I am quite sure you will get some kind of response. The Squeeky Wheel gets the grease.

Try writing a letter. You just might be surprised how helpful it is, it might take your anger and/or blood pressure down a notch and you may actually resolve this.

Or you could keep ranting about phone calls and emails and do the court thing.
It's confirmed: you are not able to reason like the higher primates. NO, this receiver is not modified to hack or steal signal. Would I have mentioned it here if it were? Why the Hell would I have signed up for Dish, if it were?! Why would I have established an account and had two installers come out and activate these receivers for? So I can pay for my free hacked signal?! Wouldn't that be nonsensical? Furthermore, a 211 can't be hacked for signal! Yeah, gourd head, send out the feds.

And NO, I am not going to tell you what my mod is, because I know you are curious. I do not respond to someone trying to FORCE information out of me.

My conclusion about attitudes like yours Van, is that you think so low of yourself that you like it when big corporations steamroller you. You get a sick pleasure out of being, and seeing others, abused by giant monolithic monopolies. You like only having one or two choices because it makes it easy, and actually hate it when competition gets in the way. More corporate welfare and lower taxes for the Rich! You Van, are the kind bringing this country down. Go hurt yourself somewhere else and spare us your uneducated tripe.
Ok you come on here with a legit gripe wich is the issue of dish labeling your purchased receiver as leased and the leased as purchased, again a legit complaint. During the atempts from others to offer advice and you subsequently taking a squat on them you elude to having modified your receiver and clarified what the most common mods are but very clearly never asked or implied that I have interest as to what your mod was because I frankly dont care.

As for the rest of your drivel your doing nothing more than shooting blindly in the dark making assumptions to atack my character wich doesnt say anything good about you yet says volumes about your own character. Now Im not going to stoop to your level that you feel the need to do but I will say that after reading your atempt to try and describe me all I can do is shake my head at how sorry your existance is.
Any chance that you are sending these emails from an email service that the DISH system might take as a SPAM source? Try sendng the message from an alternate email account if you have not already. Good luck.

Thanks Islandguy, but every email I've sent to these addresses got bounced for 'doesn't like recipient'. I confirm the spelling with a subsequent CSR and it's right. One told me the internal use only thing, and I don't know what else to think.

This isn't going to go on long enough for a response to a CMRRR. I expect to be yanking the chain sometime this week.
Haven't had any problems sending emails elsewhere. My old web hoster was pretty indiscriminate about who he accepted for customers (cheep service), and alot of my emails did not get through. That's why I fired them. But no problems in the past year.

For some reason Yahoo is no longer letting me into my email account there. I log in and "Unknown host". Haven't heard complaints anywhere else, so I suspicion they've blocked me since I masquerade as a Google spider everywhere I surf. (Yahoo doesn't like Google) Turned off my Squid anonymizing proxy and still blocked. Must be my IP.

But remember, that's HTTP. SMTP works fine. I am confident that hardcopy will go straight in the trash, based on all their other behavior.
You just don't like what it shows.

Facts, are facts.

Say, it looks like you waited until you thought I was gone to post this. Aren't you the one with the av of the kid being chased by the chicken?


  • av-chickenrun.gif
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Quantum, you are way too full of yourself. You have no effect here, except to amuse. If you were as smart as you think you are, none of this would have happened in the first place. Go bloat your horn where somebody cares, like your house. Need some Scotts tissues? ha ha ha ha
hope you like it on the otherside, I pity any and all that have to deal with you.:):D
Well, I already know that you don't like me. You've been repeating that over, and over, and over.

Unfortunately since you can't address nor defend the true issues here, you just personally attack. This does no good, and is annoying to other members.

I am not going to bicker with you, 585960. I think our dialog has run its course. Putting you on Ignore.
It is not safer!
I give up.

It can't be fixed.

Called again today and the Promotions Dept hasn't corrected this; they are now asking for proof that I'd bought the receiver! I'd provided this on the very first day, but it seems they've completely lost it! Despite several Supervisor's Notes in my Permanent File that this particular receiver with this R00 number does in fact belong to me! Also, I was told on the very first day that my receiver was marked as Owned, after my repeated attempts to confirm, but calling back an hour later I found that it was marked as Leased.

If I were to provide proof again, I have every reason to believe that this will still not be fixed, and that some other roadblock or snafu will come up after hours and hours more on my cell minutes trying to get this fixed.

I have patiently waited for weeks with no TV, and spent hours and hours on the phone earnestly trying to make this right before I subscribe, but have been unsuccessful. The ceo email address is completely unresponsive.

So I give up Dish. I am sending you the receiver you think is Leased (which is older) and am selling the receiver that you think is Owned (which is new), and going with DirecTV where it's safer. This can not be fixed. You have ruined several of my days already, and no more.
Quantum, you are way too full of yourself. You have no effect here, except to amuse.

As an owner of a 722, I think this thread has been very informative. Most people lease and will not have an issue with dish's conversion of subscribers' receivers, but there are some of us who might have a big issue with this. For myself, I am not worried about it until it becomes an actual problem, and I think Claude would help fix it for me, but it is still a serious issue.
Quantum, sounds like Dish really screwed you. The problem is Dish makes entirely too many mistakes like this. I've read many posts about similar occurances. The unfortunate thing is they seem unable or unwilling to fix their mistakes even after they admit to them!

As for some of the others "commenting" in this thread, you are really starting to sound like retards arguing! When retards argue nobody really wins, do they?

Anyway, good luck Quantum.
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figure this timer problem out

Anyone thats getting Lexington HD Locals
