Another Awsome Screwup

Quantum - WTF, I'm trying to help you, and you come back at me telling me I don't have any sense, go f yourself. I've dealt w/ Dish MANY times, but apparently you're a dickbag.

This issue could get fixed IF you went about it right. NO is never an answer.

Oh, BTW, go f yourself for telling me I have no sense.
Maybe dish should move towards LEASED receivers only. Might alleviate the problem. There's $0 savings in purchasing a new receiver. In fact it costs more.
tsduke, the thing is I've modified my receiver. (Not going into detail as some here are hostile, but obviously the mod wasn't to steal service) I could have modified a leased one sure, but I wanted to do the right thing by buying it. Well now all of this has happened so apparently I'll have to unmodify my receiver and send it back to them.

As I say though, it's very dicey which one I should send back.

And ohsatguy, you sounded as sarcastic as some of the worst when you said:
Call Dish, and cry to them. Tell them this is very stressful and you're calling an attorney to sue them over the way they're treating you.
tsduke, the thing is I've modified my receiver. (Not going into detail as some here are hostile, but obviously the mod wasn't to steal service) I could have modified a leased one sure, but I wanted to do the right thing by buying it. Well now all of this has happened so apparently I'll have to unmodify my receiver and send it back to them.

As I say though, it's very dicey which one I should send back.

And ohsatguy, you sounded as sarcastic as some of the worst when you said:
So basicly what you did is you bought a hacked receiver or you hacked your receiver that you bought wich explains why your so worried about having to send it back to dish because when they crack it open to do a refurb guess what they'll find and guess who you'll be getting a visit from?
Well, I can not guess who I'll be getting a visit from. Maybe you can explain?

Don't you have any brains? I bought the receiver which I modified! I never intended to send it back to them. But now I have to because they screwed this up and can't fix it!!
I wrote an email detailing the whole mess to the, but no response. About half of us get no response to this.

Several in the Executive Resolution Dept have given me their email addresses, but every one gets bounced; come to find out that their email addresses are for 'internal use only'.

I've gotten names and phone extensions for all the dozen or so ERT reps I've agonizingly explained this all to, but I can never subsequently reach them; leave voicemails, but no one ever calls back.

Every one I ask, how long should I wait before calling back, and I get responses ranging from 24 hours to three weeks!

I expect that a hardcopy letter will get dropped in the trash. Am running out of time to get this receiver returned before they charge me, but they have not sent me a mailer, and I don't know which one I am supposed to return in the first place.

Trapped. They GOT me.
Well, I can not guess who I'll be getting a visit from. Maybe you can explain?

Don't you have any brains? I bought the receiver which I modified! I never intended to send it back to them. But now I have to because they screwed this up and can't fix it!!
You modified ( translated means hacked ) a receiver you purchased and because of the screw up you'll either have to send it back or eat the cost of the receiver so that you dont get busted for sending back a hacked receiver and get a visit from the feds. So lets talk brains for a hot minute, modifying a receiver is an fcc no-no and breaks a few laws wich I have the brains not to modify a receiver in such a way that would break any laws. Now if you modified your receiver in such a way that your breaking laws then thats exhibiting a lack of brains. If you modified your receiver in such a way that it doesnt break any laws but voids an applicable warranty then that is still exhibiting something of a lack of brains but atleast you wont be talking to guys with badges who want to send you to be room mates with a guy that likes to put his body parts into someone elses body cavities willing or not.
This is like a train wreck that you can't look away from. I'd hate to see how the op deals with a "real" problem.
I don't get it... I'm 100% with Quantum (except for the 'Freemason' part). What is the problem here? The guy is getting screwed over...

Also, if I were in your situation Quantum, I would not say "They GOT me." You end the fight. Only you. Now granted, you may not have the intestinal fortitude, the financial wherewithal, or the mental dedication to take this battle to a finished product. And that is entirely up to you. But you are ending it, not them.

Begin documenting your conversations - record them. Have witnesses present who can then execute affidavits that attest to the veracity of the transcripts. Take these affidavits (with the attached transcripts) to your local register of deeds office, and get them publicly recorded. Then send content certified copies to the legal department at Dish Network demanding that they rebut anything they disagree with. Keep track of your costs, and open up a lawsuit. Its cheap for you prosecute, but expensive for Dish Network to defend.

Lawyers are for chumps. Learn the law, and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT man!

(Unless of course, there is some hidden aspect of the case which you are ashamed to admit, and have not shared on the forums. Then, undoubtedly, this will be exposed in litigation and you will be steamrolled by the truth.)

SERIOUSLY people, how can you accuse this guy of illegal hacking!?

You asked, Quantum, which receiver you should send back. I would send back the CORRECT receiver, notwithstanding the errors in their system. That is the only course of action that is tenable.
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Funny how several people keep talking about one wrong doing and whats right but blatantly ignore the "modified receiver" part of this whole fiasco. There are three types of modifications made to two types of receivers that are in service. The first one is upgrading the hard drive of a dvr to get more recording space, this voids the warranty but all the modder has to do is put the old one back in and let it take software updates. The second is to put in a better fan for a dvr, again voids the warranty but solves a heat issue that plagued specific dvr's. The third modification is a hack to get more than what your paying for wich is done on a non dvr and on an "older model receiver" wich the OP eluded to as the type of receiver that he owned and modded.

If no one knows this its against the law to modify a satellite receiver to get programming that your supposed to pay for but arent. If the mod that was done isnt for stealing service then he has nothing to worry about and should just unmod the box since he's decided to give up.
You modified ( translated means hacked ) a receiver you purchased and because of the screw up you'll either have to send it back or eat the cost of the receiver so that you dont get busted for sending back a hacked receiver and get a visit from the feds.
It's confirmed: you are not able to reason like the higher primates. NO, this receiver is not modified to hack or steal signal. Would I have mentioned it here if it were? Why the Hell would I have signed up for Dish, if it were?! Why would I have established an account and had two installers come out and activate these receivers for? So I can pay for my free hacked signal?! Wouldn't that be nonsensical? Furthermore, a 211 can't be hacked for signal! Yeah, gourd head, send out the feds.

And NO, I am not going to tell you what my mod is, because I know you are curious. I do not respond to someone trying to FORCE information out of me.

My conclusion about attitudes like yours Van, is that you think so low of yourself that you like it when big corporations steamroller you. You get a sick pleasure out of being, and seeing others, abused by giant monolithic monopolies. You like only having one or two choices because it makes it easy, and actually hate it when competition gets in the way. More corporate welfare and lower taxes for the Rich! You Van, are the kind bringing this country down. Go hurt yourself somewhere else and spare us your uneducated tripe.

Also, if I were in your situation Quantum, I would not say "They GOT me." You end the fight. Only you. Now granted, you may not have the intestinal fortitude, the financial wherewithal, or the mental dedication to take this battle to a finished product. And that is entirely up to you. But you are ending it, not them.
Thanks AnaBot. You may have noticed that I broach little schite from the few self-flagillators here. Earlier this year I got stiffed for a month's pay by not one, but two contractor employers. I sued them both for stealing wages --in Superior Court, no less-- and won double damages from one and treble damages from the other! One paid me right away, but the other is refusing so I had to look to his bond. The bonding company then refused to pay (a duly ordered judgment, in which they are co-defendant), as so many insurance companies do these days, and so I have now given them 20 days Demand to pay or else I will ask for treble damages upon the prior treble damages under my state's Insurance Bad Faith Act. I will get paid, whether it's $4,000 or $16,000.

There's alot of discouragement in our culture from suing for money that's rightfully owed you. This has made many companies bold in keeping money unfairly. I agree that to use a lawyer is unnecessary for most everyday actions. My state even has forms for smaller suits which anyone can fill out, and filing costs are waived if you can't afford it. But culturally this is out of reach for most, not least because there is no one to show them the way and that it's possible.

I was helping another guy who worked with me also as a sub, how to sue for the money we got stiffed. They got him for over $3,000, but he is one of these 'company men', who believe the company is right to steal from working folks. So he was really torn when it happened to him! I got him started and he agreed to buy me breakfast when he needed help. We agreed to do each others' service of process, but when I needed him he wasn't there. And he started wanting to meet to ask me questions in the afternoon, when there wouldn't be any breakfast. And he didn't return my calls except when he needed something. So I stopped helping him. We had certain understandings but he violated all of them, so now he's out all his money. Congratulations. I was helping him mostly out of kindness, but I am not putting up with his tornness over corporate wrongdoing.

As to Dish, I have been far more patient with them than I usually am, for technical reasons I'll explain to you in PM. There's no need to record calls, because a lawsuit is basically easy. They whack me with early termination fee and equipment charge, and I sue them pro se in District Court for $700 plus costs plus damages. A lawyer in my state costs them no less than $5,000, so they do not answer the suit and I win by default. I press for collection, and get my money back, and then some. They are gambling that most people won't do this, and they are right. So it is up to me to try and make up for all those others they've stiffed, to try and make them think twice next time. Maybe it'll never happen, but at least I get some money out of it.

No, I have other reasons for being patient, but the core issue here is corporate misbehavior. At this point it is clear to me that Dish is intentionally dishonest, in seizing customer-owned receivers, and in abusing the customer service process to wrangle more early termination fees and mischarge other fees always in their favor. This dishonest behavior must be recognized and announced by enough people to change this abusive behavior. There will always be apologists who Blame The Victim, but they are universally in the lower-middle-class and are convinced that they deserve no better than to be hit and hit again. Their opinion is worth zero.
I wrote an email detailing the whole mess to the, but no response. About half of us get no response to this.

Several in the Executive Resolution Dept have given me their email addresses, but every one gets bounced; come to find out that their email addresses are for 'internal use only'.

Their email addys are not for internal use only. I have emailed the same rep over the past two years for certain issues and have gotten responses back as lately as Nov 10th of this year.

Secondly send a certified letter to the CEO's office with a required returned signature receipt, threatening to take them to court over this and I am quite sure you will get some kind of response. The Squeeky Wheel gets the grease.
Thanks Islandguy, but every email I've sent to these addresses got bounced for 'doesn't like recipient'. I confirm the spelling with a subsequent CSR and it's right. One told me the internal use only thing, and I don't know what else to think.

This isn't going to go on long enough for a response to a CMRRR. I expect to be yanking the chain sometime this week.

figure this timer problem out

Anyone thats getting Lexington HD Locals

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