Like i told you before your argument is going no where.This is your personal opinion. Don't try to shove down peoples throat. We heard you the first time. The reality is that no one has more HD than D and E. It's not about kissing a** it's what the numbers show. Every quarter D keeps adding new subs most being HD right now. The market is doing very well despite the condition the economy is in. D hasn't been sitting down on their a** as you say. If they haven't launched certain channels that you want well that's too bad. Go somewhere else and see if you'll do better. I'm not thrilled that they haven't launched more with this new sat but who else is doing better nationally?
As someone who has had Comcast, who had at the time every premium channel, to me it was a waste. It was the same movies all the time. That was fine before DVR's were deployed, but now it is not that important. If a movie comes on at a time you can't watch it, you can DVR it now and watch it when you want.
Then Cable must be really around 20
I suppose if I was a fanboy who worshipped a company no matter what decision they made you'd like me better?
Sorry if the truth hurts.
Actually I would like you better if you stopped trying to talk about booming markets and the business world and did something about the very situation you are complaining about. If you are so business/management savvy how did you get roped into buying service and signing a contract with such an under performing complacent company?
D* is adding Locals right now. Like 4 Citys a week IMO thats HUGE.
I'm in total agreement, But I've not seen any press release in the last 2 years about D* adding any NEW premiums to their lineup. They were just going to ADD HD to the HBO's and Cinemaxes they have now. Which is exactly why I picked E* Because they have more premium channels to begin with. ,I DVR all the movies I watch too. I don't watch them at time of airing. But many movies play on HBO2 for example in a month that never play on HBO. HBO2 is not in HD, so I have no choice but to record the movie in SD. Even if DirecTV added HBO2, Moremax, HBO sig, and maybe a few other Max channels in HD, that would be a start. The flagship east and west of HBO/MAX are not enough. Come on, four channels in HD of 26 available. That is pathetic.
Nice judgement there. Although I doubt that anyone buying a new HDtv woould agree with you and instead agree with me.
If you wanna live in a fairy tale to kiss a companies ass, then do so, it's your choice. But if Directv sits on their ass and lets people take over the market lead, they won't be the one people go to for hd.
It's not hard to figure out. Maybe if your a fanboy, I dunno.
Travel Channel HD is the only channel, I can't understand why they don't have it yet. But the rest???? What are we really missing? Fox News HD . Thats nice , But we have CNN HD. I agree I like Fox news better , but no its not killing me not having it in HD. Its not like we don't get the channel at all.That is all fine and well, but if they can add HD PPV, they have the space to add a few more HD nationals. Can't they add locals and nationals simultaneously? If people are expected to multitask these days, a company certainly can.
The only HD channel that's worth adding right now is FOX NEWS HD. All the other ones are not worthed yet. Travel HD is a joke. I would like to have it bu it is not that important. So stop all the crying about D*. I bet most of the watchers are not even watching all the HD channels that are available right now.
Going nowhere to fanboys, I know. Same argument told to Nintendo fans during the N64 and Gamecube era, they didn't want to listen either.
Complacency kills a company, and hurts everyone, including the customers.
WHERE WERE YOU?Wow, its turned into a warzone thread
I need my popcorn too!
Haha, in and out of the office all day. Hate I missed it!WHERE WERE YOU?![]()