Analyzing HD Movie Watching Option Long Term

Which option for HD movies woudl you choose?

  • Subscribe and archive HD movies via Dish Network.

    Votes: 24 48.0%
  • Buy a dual format player and the movies.

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • Buy a dual format player and rent the movies.

    Votes: 25 50.0%

  • Total voters


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 21, 2005
So with external storage on the horizon :p I started thinking about the long term HD movie watching options. I've compiled this list of options and while it can't take every variable into account, I'd like your thoughts. Since we know disc and hardware cost will vary, I based all calculations on today's costs. The three options are:

1. Subscribe and archive HD via Dish Network.
2. Buy a dual format player and the movies.
3. Buy a dual format player and rent the movies.

The breakdown is as follows:

1. Dish HD Option

Each movie is about 6GB in mpeg4
Movies per 500GB disc = 77
Cost per movie disc space $1.32 each.

Sub to all four movie packs $40 month
Cost per year $480
Cost in 5 years $2400

Assuming you archive 6 movies per month you really like,
Requires new 500GB drive each year
Total in five years $500

So in five years you have a library of 360 movies
At a cost of $2,900
or $8.05 each.​

2. Buy HD-DVD Blu-Ray Option

Buy 360 movies at $19.95 = $7,182

Buy dual format player for $750

Total five year cost $7,932 or $22.03 each.

You own the movies and can see the extras at any time.​

3. Rent HD Disc Option

Buy dual format player for $750

Sub to Netflix @ $18 a month 3 out plan
Total for five years = $1,080

Pros - Can re-rent any movie you want to watch again plus SD DVD's.

Opportunity to see 24 movies a month
That's 1440 movies in 5 years
for a total cost of $1,830
or $1.27per movie.​

Based on that, which would you choose?
I'd go with two or three depending on your preference for owning. The picture should be better on HD discs and you will get new movies sooner. Also you lock yourself into subscribing to dish for as long as you want to access your library.

That said the Dish route should provide a better selection than the optical discs route, there are many HD movies on Dish that probably won't make it to home video until a format is decided.
IMHO, options 2 and 3 are not options. I don't think many are inclined to spend that big of wad on a duel format player. Until the battle is decided, I'll go with option 4: A good upconvert SD player. In many cases, as good as option 1 until the rate of compression improves.
Ill post mine since it's kinda of a hybrid.

I rent movies first and buy the ones I want. As far as a dual format, I just own a BR player.

You can buy a ps3 and a Toshiba for $700, much cheaper than a dual format.

I record many HD movies on Dish, but have NO plans of keeping them. If I am going to keep a movie itll be Blu Ray.
I am a three, but not a dual format player, at least not yet. I have an HD DVD player, and it is wonderful, but of course I would love to have all the movies available on HD DVD and not have to deal with the format war.

As for buying or renting movies.... renting is definitely the way to go for me. Back in 99 I was buying DVD's by the truck load, but I rarely watch any of them more than once or twice. For HD DVD I am only buying the rare movie I know I will want to be able to watch at any time. For most movies Netflix is plenty fast, I have one day shipping from the warehouse, so it is like having someone manage my giant movie collection for me.
How about "None of the Above"? I don't archive and I'm not buying an HD disc player until the format war is settled, there is a much larger selection of content and prices on the players/discs come way down.

More or less #3

I recently purchased an HD DVD player and have been subscribed to Netflix for a long time. I have already watched a couple of titles in HD DVD.

I will most likely buy a blue-ray player on December if they go below $250 with a decent offering.

So far, I'm quite happy with HD DVD + SD DVD for my viewing needs.

btw, I'm new to dish as well and I'm getting Starz free for 3 month. I won't be renewing, nor subscribing to any premium channels.

Netflix is all I need.
Do you really need to sub to all 4 movie packs? Unless you are saving money by going with AEP, most movies eventually get to all the systems.

Your best bet may be to just wait a bit and see how the whole VOD system ends up working. If it turns out you can rent any movie with extras at any time you want and have it downloaded, you really only need to buy the ones you want to watch 20 times. How many movies do you really watch more than once (besides kids who seem to be able to watch the same movie 100 times)?

Netflix is just something that is not a good match for me personally. I tend to want to watch something at a moment's notice and do not want to have to order it even if it came next day. I have my biggest movie hits on DVD/HDDVD or BD now (own both players), the rest I can rent locally or am really looking forward to VOD in HD. Yeah it may be $5 to watch a movie via VOD, but that is still a lot cheaper. Of course if you are on dialup, other options probably better.
Do you really need to sub to all 4 movie packs? Unless you are saving money by going with AEP, most movies eventually get to all the systems.

Your best bet may be to just wait a bit and see how the whole VOD system ends up working. If it turns out you can rent any movie with extras at any time you want and have it downloaded, you really only need to buy the ones you want to watch 20 times. How many movies do you really watch more than once (besides kids who seem to be able to watch the same movie 100 times)?

Netflix is just something that is not a good match for me personally. I tend to want to watch something at a moment's notice and do not want to have to order it even if it came next day. I have my biggest movie hits on DVD/HDDVD or BD now (own both players), the rest I can rent locally or am really looking forward to VOD in HD. Yeah it may be $5 to watch a movie via VOD, but that is still a lot cheaper. Of course if you are on dialup, other options probably better.

I am spending $25 a month for blockbuster online rentals and in store return. I will be dropping HBO as soon as my freebie runs outs. PPV movies and Prem Channels do not interest me more.

Only thing I want the ext hdd support on my 622 for is when I travel during sitcom season, I dont like being pressured to knock out my hd recordings asap. I also record many movies off HDNET and MonHD every month which does not help.
I am sorry but I am not going to buy a hd dvd player or a blue ray dvd player UNTIL they decide who is going to be the winner in the war on formats. Until then I will make do with hd shows on my external hard drives for DISH that I will add.
Both options for me, (so I didn't vote)I have an HD DVD player and with Blu-Ray players dropping will likely soon add one of those, however there are many movies and TV Series that are not offered on the HD players so archiving on HDD is the only option...
1. Dish HD Option

Each movie is about 6GB in mpeg4
Movies per 500GB disc = 77
Cost per movie disc space $1.32 each.

Sub to all four movie packs $40 month
Cost per year $480
Cost in 5 years $2400

Assuming you archive 6 movies per month you really like,
Requires new 500GB drive each year
Total in five years $500

So in five years you have a library of 360 movies
At a cost of $2,900
or $8.05 each.​

3. Rent HD Disc Option

Buy dual format player for $750

Sub to Netflix @ $18 a month 3 out plan
Total for five years = $1,080

Pros - Can re-rent any movie you want to watch again plus SD DVD's.

Opportunity to see 24 movies a month
That's 1440 movies in 5 years
for a total cost of $1,830
or $1.27per movie.​

Based on that, which would you choose?

My numbers for Options 1) & 3) are far different than what you calculate above.

First of all, I would not save/archive all of the E* HD movies. Most of them I would capture, watch within 30-60 days, then delete. Might save 10% of them long-term.

So with this in mind.

I might watch as many as 2000 HD movies off of Dish over 5 years. I usually watch 1-2 HD movies every night. I might, at the most, purchase two external drives for $200 total.

My cost would be $2600 for 2000 movies, or $1.30/each.

Then on Option 3), I am very poor about turning over rental movies. I might able to able to watch 6-7 movies a month, tops, from NetFlix. So that would be around 400 movies over 5 years, at a cost of $750 for player and $1080 for NetFlix - total of $1830. Cost per movie on this option would be approx $4.57.

So E* is the far cheaper format on a per movie basis, given my usage patterns.

Unfortunately, it is also the far lower PQ option.
$530 for a ps3, $19 a month for online rentals which gives 12 rentals a month.

total of $1670

12 movies * 60 = 720

$1670/720= $2.31 per movie over 5 years

All my movies are new releases and 75% of them are Blu Ray discs.

Nothing Dish has can touch the new releases for that price or the PQ of BR. Ive had online renting since 2001, back in the old days of Netflix. Until something comes along that can give me BR PQ and new releases as soon as they are out for that price, Ive got my plan already in place. This is why HBO's getting canceled.
$530 for a ps3, $19 a month for online rentals which gives 12 rentals a month.

total of $1670

12 movies * 60 = 720

$1670/720= $2.31 per movie over 5 years

All my movies are new releases and 75% of them are Blu Ray discs.

Nothing Dish has can touch the new releases for that price or the PQ of BR. Ive had online renting since 2001, back in the old days of Netflix. Until something comes along that can give me BR PQ and new releases as soon as they are out for that price, Ive got my plan already in place. This is why HBO's getting canceled.

I like this plan. Sounds like a lot of good movie watching plus a game system.
I like this plan. Sounds like a lot of good movie watching plus a game system.

Yeah, I just go the PS3 today, had a 1st gen Sammy blu ray player.

The key to Netflix/blockbuster is just to get a plan you can keep up with, dont overpay. They both stock HDDVD/BR discs so you're good there. I found them to have more BR discs than HDDVD(mainly due to studio support) so I went with BR in March.

I like online rental because I pay a flat rate for unlimited usage, and once you get the player its cheaper. I can watch 12 movies a month for $19, or I could watch 12 HD PPV's for $48. Plus your PQ will be better than HD any provider has right now.

Yepp, and then theres the games ;)
Not subscribed for the premium movies

I mostly watch Dish for Network programming and sports, neither of which is on HDDVD or Blue Ray. If you're getting Dish for movies, I'm guessing you're wasting your money. I haven't seen too many movies on either format I would like to buy let alone the initial investment though. I've noticed the HDPPV has gotten significantly more up to date lately though also, but I'm sure it's not the quality of your players.
I have a subscription to all of the HD E* offers, Netflix unlimited and an HD-DVD player. I'll pull the BluRay trigger when the price is right. I'm not rich .... just HD crazy.

622 dual mode help

2 Hdtvs to the 622

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