As far as the new DVD "standards" advice is don't buy nuthin. These guys are just for the most part rich, middle aged (white or yellow in the case of Japan) men who just want to be able to see who can piss the furthest and could care less about what you guys want or need. Do you really think a 10GB difference in storage is gonna make your like ANY different. Do you REALLY think they're gonna sell you all 9 seasons of the X-Files on 2 BD discs? And as far as extras are concerned. Puh-lease. Most people don't watch them and if they need so much space for extras why don't they try making a better movie? Hollywood is making more and more crappy movies and people are going less because of the price. The basic rule is...stay home---> less money from move--> less money to "movie stars" --> better product. with your money. Don't whine, don't write letters, make petitions. These guys DON'T want Joan of Arcadia on because they don't get enough viewers? Let's see what they do when no one watches. That's all capitalists understand (NOT that there's anything wrong with capitalism)...MONEY. Don't give it up so easy and they won't piss on you