An update... Spoke with Elliott

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
This afternoon I was able to speak with Elliott Frutkin for over an hour, and was able to get some questions answered however other ones he was unable to answer.

First and formost TimeTrax is no more and Elliott is no longer part of TimeTrax.

With that said TimeTrax continues to function and will continue to function. Elliott and I talked about what this means for TimeTrax users and he said things would work as they do now however he did say there were some ideas on the table which could possibly mean new life of TimeTrax.

Here are the ideas on the table

1) Continue to run the TimeTrax registration servers as they are now.
2) Allow SatelliteGuys (or another party) run the registration servers
3) Release a patch would would keep TimeTrax from looking for a registration server
4) Release a new freeware version
5) Make TimeTrax a Open Source software

I personally would love to see option 5, as TimeTrax had so much potential and it was never fully developed to it's full potential. It could have had a nice graphical interface. (Thats my feeling)

With that said though Elliott feels that it would be best if it was rewritten from the ground up and not written in visual basic (which the current software was written in)

I asked Elliott why the TimeTraxTech homepage was now pointing to the XM Homepage and he said that he was not permitted to talk about it, but then later said he had no idea why "they" did some of the things they did last week.

We then talked about my decission to keep this forum open and he agreed with me that it was the proper thing to do and thanked me for keeping it open.

He said that because TimeTrax is no longer officially supported, it is important for a forum like this to exist so that users could help users with the product so that everyone could continue to enjoy TimeTrax for years to come.

We then talked about the posts made here over the last week and he said he had no problem with any of it except for one post in saying that TimeTrax was spyware. He was offended by that notion and wanted to clear the air that TimeTrax is not Spyware and contains no spyware.

I told him that we here at SatelliteGuys will do what we can to make sure TimeTrax continues running for all, and he sounded sincere when he said he appreciated the offer and its in serious consideration.

Lastly he wanted to point out again that your TimeTrax will continue to work today and into the future.

As this all works itself out I am expecting a statement from Elliot in the near future. I do thank Elliott for spending so much time with me on the phone today and while not all my questions were answered we at least know something that is going on. I look forward to Elliotts statement.
Some things I would have liked to have answered....

1) Do we need to block the XM site altogether as another poster suggested? Or - basically asking - will XM have any idea who has TimeTrax on their computers either through TT exchanging user info with them or through the TT software connecting and being re-routed to something owned by XM?

2) What about the guys (luckily, not me) who ordered things before the shutdown.. their cards were charged but no product and/or registration numbers were given.. will they be reimbursed?

Also... if someone has the TT instructions saved via PDF... then that might be something useful to post and sicky here... maybe?

I guess we will have to wait for even more information, but I appreciate what we know so far thanks to Scott!

I agree that moving it to open source would return the best result. The first update everyone would vote for would end the need for the servers! I agree that the program could move much further from where it now exists, but how best to do it? Now that there will no longer be any interface boxes available, some sort of open way of connecting will be needed for control.

Releasing the documentation would be a big boost to the independent developers, many are ready to undertake the task. Look at what the JP1 group has done to TV remotes!

I'd just like to understand a simple question....Just what happened? Beyond that, I'd like to know where we will be allowed to go from here.
I sure hope the software goes Open Source. That would certainly give the most opportunity for improvement. My question is, in any future non-TimeTrax controlled version of the software, wouldn't XM's legal department start issuing cease and desist letters just like they did for XtremePCR and every other piece of software that was written to control the XMPCR?

I guess I wonder why, if TimeTrax is out of business and Elliot is no longer part of TimeTrax, how can he make any statements about the future of the TimeTrax software because he's obviously not in control of whatever is left of it (as per his reference to 'they'.) He was severed from the company/project in one way or another and "they" pulled the plug on the website. If someone else is controlling the site then how does he have control of the customer database and validation servers?
>>He was offended by that notion and wanted to clear the air


just because someone is offended by the truth, doesnt make it untrue
it just means they are offended !!!!!!!!!!

it does report in when/what the user is doing without the users knowledge
and when confronted they lied instead of telling the truth .. I realize that may
be business as usual around the beltway but to us small town hicks it is just
plain wrong :)

I can imagine them thinking because they are not stealing CC info or money
that it is not spying but that is not true either

honestly I dont think most people care who knows when/what they listen to
but most people dont like being told something that is untrue ..

those that were really bothered either disabled that "feature" or quit using
the program

a loyal Time Trax customer since Aug 17 18:19:22 2004 GMT
information from elliott

1) Do we need to block the XM site altogether as another poster suggested? Or - basically asking - will XM have any idea who has TimeTrax on their computers either through TT exchanging user info with them or through the TT software connecting and being re-routed to something owned by XM?

There is no reason to block XM, SIRIUS. The software is still communicating with the same servers that have been used as registration servers for many months, if not a year.

2) What about the guys (luckily, not me) who ordered things before the shutdown.. their cards were charged but no product and/or registration numbers were given.. will they be reimbursed?

I personally verified that there are no open orders. All of the orders in the system either a.) got fulfilled and shipped or e-mailed or b.) if we could not fulfill the order, customers were given full refund credits back to the credit card used for the original purchase.

just because someone is offended by the truth, doesn’t make it untrue
it just means they are offended !!!!!!!!!!

it does report in when/what the user is doing without the users knowledge
and when confronted they lied instead of telling the truth .. I realize that may
be business as usual around the beltway but to us small town hicks it is just
plain wrong

Based on your view, I don't think it would be difficult to categorize any software that utilizes the internet to authenticate users would be considered Spy ware.

One user that is obviously tech savvy and was able to look at the data being transmitted disclosed the information. That post is available at

I've analyzed the traffic - it sends request every time you change channels. Aside from telling them what timetrax license, receiver, and channel, it doesn't seem to be passing any other data:

GET /rcvalidate.asp?Key=<your-timetrax-key>&Machine=<your-radio-id>&Version=1.8.0&FirstRegister=N&SoftwareMode=XM& CurChannel=22 HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/gif,image/x-xbitmap,image/jpeg,image/pjpeg,*/*
User-Agent: Microsoft URL Control - 6.01.9782
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cache-Control: no-cache

Further, the data that is sent as outlined above is not historically recorded or kept. (the only data that is kept is activation (y/n) and subsequent re-registrations of the software. As it was described in the policies posted to the site, no information has been sold or otherwise disclosed to anyone. To clarify further, there is no data is our records that identify individually any personal information - i.e. whether a user is listening to their sat radio, what they choose to record or even if they've used the software to ever record.

Throughout the ups and downs of such an extraordinary and controversial product and company, we made certain commitments to our customers as well as employees. One of those commitments was that Recast would continue working into the future regardless of potential changes, lawsuits, threats, C&D's, ownership transfer, etc. To that end, although I no longer have an official position and title at Time Trax, I've committed to following through with those assurances. (of course there is a disclaimer - I do not control the future and/or other people and companies - but I'm certain that I have enough influence right now to make sure it happens)

Scott G. will receive copies of documents, instructions, quick start guides, and knowledge base content Further, I'm assured that a resource will be set-up for the short term to help with reg code problems and the like. More details shall be forthcoming as I get more information.

Please keep 'timetraxing' and utilizing the software - I can say thank you enough for the generosity of a lot of people, especially Scott G. (from here, Our customers also deserve big thanks for being patient through our ups and downs, bad decisions and good decisions. Thank you to our employees that worked their asses off to build hardware, software and a dynamic team of individuals.

Timetrax under my leadership was on the forefront of giving the entertainment (and particularly the recording industry) a big, huge shove in the right direction. Without our customers we would not have had the continued pull to make things happen - a LOT more than you know or realize. Thank you, thank you.

I'll continue to share any additional decision and/or information that comes along.

However we still have no idea what happened. I guess it can be assumed that XM now owns or at least caused the shutdown of Timetrax, but the who what when where and why has not been answered.
efrutkin said:
I personally verified that there are no open orders. All of the orders in the system either a.) got fulfilled and shipped or e-mailed or b.) if we could not fulfill the order, customers were given full refund credits back to the credit card used for the original purchase.

This might be true, but you sent me an XM activation number (I ordered Sirius) and a Sirius radio that I can't activate (Sirius says it is currently under another person's account). I opened ticket EPF-428047 several weeks ago, but haven't heard a peep.
I too ordered the Sirius version and was given a XM reg code. I was in the process of requesting that my credit card company reverse the charges when I found Sirius Recorder. I have been fairly happy with that software so I chose not to process the reverse. I still feel I was taken advantage of by Time Trax, as do many of your customers. So, while my order was fulfilled, I did not get what I ordered. To me, my order is then incomplete. My $.02.
I got time traxx as a Xmas gift last year and never registered it then i recently went to the timetraxx websie to find out its no more can you ask elliot how i can remedy this
i found this forum (thank goodness) and i hope i can resolve this
if he wants to contact me or if i can contact him i need a reg code because im left with something that does me no good :(

::kicks self:: why did i wait so long to do this... id also need a copy of the program as ive never even hooked timetraxx up its still in the box it came in complete with the lance armstrong band and some free music donwload from CES lasvegas they put in the box

:( :confused:
Elliott Frutkin is an internet entrepreneur with several companies under his belt. I'm sure he will resurface with another company in the future. Now that I know how he treats his customers, I will be sure to tell everyone I know to avoid his future companies.
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Mrwirez said:
They were probably bought out by XM or someone to stop the recording of satellite feeds.

I think with the most recent turn of events, this is incorrect, there would be a reason to STOP the distribution of software and utilities.

check out now what you see when you go -
Still have an open order for $313.42 and apparently no recourse possible?

efrutkin said:
I personally verified that there are no open orders. All of the orders in the system either a.) got fulfilled and shipped or e-mailed or b.) if we could not fulfill the order, customers were given full refund credits back to the credit card used for the original purchase.

I sent eftutkin a personal message to his email associated with the forum, but it bounced. I would prefer to not air all the details here though. If you are still here Elliott, please do email my profile with a good email address and I can tell you my story of an order from 2/5/06 that never got fulfilled and I just checked my last seven credit card statements online and there is no refund shown. I last spoke with Timetrax on June 13 2006 and was told the delivery date was soon, but not ETA could be given. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Yes, Thank you for your support in this TTT. Time Trax Travesty. I have reviewed many of the Time Trax posts and seen the different issues facing users of TT. As one user noted that he lost his hard drive and reinstalled on a new machine only to have issues with the current version of TT as as well as getting his channel list to refresh. I too have these issues and was wondering if anyone could help me.

Thanks in advance,

smishey said:
I sent eftutkin a personal message to his email associated with the forum, but it bounced. I would prefer to not air all the details here though. If you are still here Elliott, please do email my profile with a good email address and I can tell you my story of an order from 2/5/06 that never got fulfilled and I just checked my last seven credit card statements online and there is no refund shown. I last spoke with Timetrax on June 13 2006 and was told the delivery date was soon, but not ETA could be given. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you!


I have a similar situation and would greatly appreciate any feedback/ suggestions from him as well.
I will check my pms and if anyone happens to reach him please post back or let us know


Day late as usual

TimeTrax Recording Blank Files

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