An update from Scott at CES

Scott Greczkowski said:
We asked and will have an interview ONLINE about it soon (Tonight or tommorow)

Jeeze enough with the cliff-hangers:D I know your busy and Charlie asked you to keep the upgrade path under your hat til Monday, but is there a good reason why you won't spill the HD-Lite beans?

It is quite possible that they could simulcast MPEG-2 and 4 for a transition period on the new channels. It looks like Dish is going to be serious about the transition to MPEG-4 and will require all boxes to be upgraded fairly quickly before they turn off the MPEG-2 transmissions. None of this keep the old channels in MPEG-2 for a couple years, more likely 3-4 months. They want the transponders back. After all they are on 110, one of their main satellites, not sitting on a wing satellite with excess capacity broadcasting static (yes I know VOOM is on wing but ESPN/Disc/TNT/HDN/HDM are hogging valuable TPs).

I suspect they have a target date of like May 1 to have all the HD converted. I bet they would like to have it even sooner if they thought they could make/ship enough boxes. With E10 going up they will have an even bigger TP shortage at 110 since they will have to have extra TPs for the huge amount of juggling of moving channels from E8 to E10...
Just think of the hit to pirates if they get all the programming switched over to MPEG4. :)

Good work Scott.
WoW Scott :) Good job :) I wish I could be there to meet you all and help you. I done already told my wife that I'm going next year :) It defiantly looks like were in some fine company :)
Thanks Scott, this was some of the info I've been looking for from Dish. Have been thinking about jumping ship to Comcast, but I think I will hold on a bit longer to see how the 622 deal comes down, and info on HD-Lite.

Congrats on your recongnition, you deserve it. I lurk here a lot and you've always got the best info about anything satellite.
Hey Goaliebob, next year make sure you ask charlie about NBR and Lifetime for me...

As for why scott can't spill the beans, I'm sure he's heard the phrase "off the record" at least a dozen times since he arrived in vegas...3 or 4 of those were probably while inside CES...
Scott Greczkowski said:
Charlie told me some of the details of the MPEG4 upgrade path and I think you guys will be really happy with what Dish has planned. Charlie asked me not to post it as he wants to save it for the Charlie Chat on Monday night and I will honor that request. Again I will say most folks will be happy, the offer sounds fair to me. :)

I hope that they will give non-HD guys the chance to upgrade as well. I have been holding off purchasing a HD-DVR till MPEG4 was out. Guess we will see on Monday!
Scott - Any news from Dish about ....

Scott - Any news from Dish about the following HD programming?

Cinemax HD
Starz HD
ABC, NBC, FOX (for those of us needing national feeds) like CBS.

Thanks for the hard work?

Come on Scott, give up the info on Voom, its it going to stay HDlite for us that dont have Mpeg 4 and will it be HDlite in MPeg 4 also?

And will the ESPN 2 an UHD be HDLite also?

I need to know soon cause if its HDLite im jumping ship.
Nice report Scott. I arrived at the Dish Network booth at around 4pm today and the lineup of new 2006 receivers looks really nice.
glennh73 said:
Come on Scott, give up the info on Voom, its it going to stay HDlite for us that dont have Mpeg 4 and will it be HDlite in MPeg 4 also?

I am sorry to say that it WILL be staying downrezed, even after the move to MPEG4.

And will the ESPN 2 an UHD be HDLite also?
No for ESPN as it is 720p but yes for UHD.

I need to know soon cause if its HDLite im jumping ship.
I am not sure where you are going to jump too, I taked to a few big cable MSO's today and it looks like it is going to become a standard that they all down rez. Kind of sad if you asked me.
Sadoun said:
Nice report Scott. I arrived at the Dish Network booth at around 4pm today and the lineup of new 2006 receivers looks really nice.
Dang I missed you and I was at the Dish Network booth then, we had a SatelliteGuys meet and I actually was showing off all the new stuff to the satelliteguys members who came.

It was GREAT meeting everyone!
Point is, i go back to cable and give up on hd, i mean i can get a 32 inch reg tv to look pretty good and forget hd since it really wont be really HD anyway.

Anyone want to buy a 52inch Dlp?
Scott Greczkowski said:
I am sorry to say that it WILL be staying downrezed, even after the move to MPEG4.

No for ESPN as it is 720p but yes for UHD.

I am not sure where you are going to jump too, I taked to a few big cable MSO's today and it looks like it is going to become a standard that they all down rez. Kind of sad if you asked me.

Are you saying that the five Voom MPEG4 channels will also be 1280 x 1080?
Scott...I think you got to say more than this. I know you can't change minds and nobody would blame you but, this was the biggest of all issues. New channels and MPEG4 mean nothing unless we are getting full Rez. I can't tell you how let down I am. Yeah DISH is listening to us. sure they are. And do what they damn will planned to do all along. It looks like the only way I am going to see full REZ is Blue Ray DVD. That is where I will put my money.
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I am really bummed. I was saving for an HD TV and ready to jump when this stuff was available and now I may as well buy a better SD TV for a lot less. It figures :(
I'm probably going to ride my 811 + HDPak + Voom boat until it sinks, then Cox will be getting a call. 1920X1080i with only 2 per QAM256 carrier. Last time I checked, a QAM256 carrier was around 38-39meg, you do the math. They used to run 3 channels per carrier but recently converted it all to two per carrier.

CES 2006 AVS Forum Party video

Looks like CES 2006 is a NON EVENT for HD

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