I opened correspondence with Amiko regarding the update issue. Below are their responses and I am happy to say that upgrade link was downloaded and I am watching on the upgraded A3 as I write this. I personally had an issue with the upgrade that I will describe after the Amiko responses.
This is what I sent in first email and then their response:
> Have downloaded and tried to update from 2.0.72 to the 2.0.78 version here from your site. Appears to update OK, but hangs on second (2nd) boot screen. Was able to get back up and running with the low level reset that was made available to us here in the Americas. I am not the only one and everyone's failure point is the same, hangs on boot.
> Since Joe has hung it up, we are on our own with these boxes over here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Hope you have a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Dear Sir!
Please download this file:
and follow this steps:
First of all you need a formated (FAT32) microSd…
1. Copy all file to sd card
2. Run the "BootcardMaer.exe" in sdcard.
3. Push the open button and browse the u-boot-sdboot.bin file 4. Push the "Make" button.
5. When you see in the windows: "success" à remove the sdcard.
6. Plug in the sdcard to A3.
7. Plug the receiver to the electrical network and push the recovery button on rear panel between 5 - 8 seconds.
8. If all right, your receiver will be start with recovery mode and update will be start itself.
9. If finished you will see a service window (Sw Version:2.0.60, etc) 10. Select the "factory default".
Then your receiver will be work with new sw, and you will see the Wizard…
The above response is providing a link to a low level recovery image. I haven't tried it, but appears to be very similar to what Joe had provided and should get one unhung.
I wrote back the following and got the response below:
Thanks for the reply. What you describe is how I got it back up and running. Only I used the one Joe had made available, but is no longer available. The issue appears to come from the 2.0.78 version that we have downloaded from your site. Another user has found a version dated February 2016, that works for him. I haven't tried it so can not say for sure that it is golden. Like to get from original approved sources. Less likely to have bad things happen.
So, can you direct me to a known good source for the update?
Also, do I have your permission to post your responses to a forum here in North America?
Thanks for your help.
And their response:
You can dowloand the latest official version from here:
Please use this!
Yes, if you think our e-mail can help to other people, share this in the forum.
Thank you!
That link is the version I downloaded and used to update my A3. Now, my update hung at 35% for at least 10 minutes. Then decided to remove power and was getting ready to do the low level recovery, when thought why not try holding in the front power button while plugging power back in. I did that and held for about 20 seconds and it came up showing update from the beginning and ran through the entire update and came up to the channel I was last watching.
Hope this of help to everyone and I apologize for not testing the download I first posted. Assumed coming from official site, that it was good. We all know better now, but the above does work.