America's Got Talent Season 7 (2012)

I agree with everyone. Judges should give honest feedback, and that's it. I have not liked many of the acts the judges have (i.e. All That!, Andrew De Leon, Edon, and the list goes on).

Heck, who wouldn't want to see a guest appearance by Metallica, accompanied by Apocalyptica, with Jackie Evancho belting out lyrics. That's what I call classic!

Hell... they want to bring back the best from past years and go that route... I say bring out Metallica accompanied by Nuttin But Strings (similar to what they did with the orchestra with the S&M album) with Jackie filling in for the late Marianne Faithfull on "The Memory Remains"

I'd actually pay the money to see it!
Hell... they want to bring back the best from past years and go that route... I say bring out Metallica accompanied by Nuttin But Strings (similar to what they did with the orchestra with the S&M album) with Jackie filling in for the late Marianne Faithfull on "The Memory Remains"

I'd actually pay the money to see it!

I love when bring back former acts turned stars like Terry and Jackie, etc. :)
Next Episode: Semifinals (Part 2)

Tuesday, 4 September 2012 (8:00 PM ET)

Twelve acts perform.

- All That!
- All Wheel Sports
- Clint Carvalho & His Extreme Parrots
- David Garibaldi & his CMYK's
- Jacob Williams
- Lightwire Theater
- The Magic of Puck
- Olate Dogs
- Sebastian El Charro De Oro
- Shanice & Maurice Hayes
- Tim Hockenberry
- The Untouchables

As I mentioned earlier, next week's show should be easier to pick the winners because I am already dismissing 5-6 of the above acts prior to their performances. We shall see.

Thursday, 6 September 2012 (8:00 PM ET)

"The judges reveal the Top Six; Train performs." Personally, I would rather see Blackfooot perform Train, Train. :)
Fun Poll: Most Talented AGT Winner

Okay, so who is do you feel is the most talented and least talented AGT Winners ever?

  • Season 1 (2006) Bianca Ryan
  • Season 2 (2007) Terry Fator
  • Season 3 (2008) Neal E. Boyd
  • Season 4 (2009) Kevin Skinner
  • Season 5 (2010) Michael Grimm
  • Season 6 (2011) Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr.

Note: no need to phone, text or or cast your votes online. :)
Okay, so who is do you feel is the most talented and least talented AGT Winners ever?

  • Season 1 (2006) Bianca Ryan
  • Season 2 (2007) Terry Fator
  • Season 3 (2008) Neal E. Boyd
  • Season 4 (2009) Kevin Skinner
  • Season 5 (2010) Michael Grimm
  • Season 6 (2011) Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr.

Note: no need to phone, text or or cast your votes online. :)

Darn. My votes go for Terry and Season 5's "runner-up".

AGT Singers album sales:

1. Jackie Evancho 2,000,000 in album sales
2. Bianca Ryan 150,000 in album sales
3. Landau Eugene Murphy 46,000 in album sales
4. Cas Haley 40,000 is album sales
5. Michael Grimm 22,000 in album sales
6. Donald Braswell 12,500 in album sales
7. Neal E. Boyd 6,000 in album sales

In a nutshell, Jackie has 2-million in sales and a new album getting ready to hit-the-streets on October 2nd. All others sold a combined 276K, which is probably the number of Jackie's pre-sales on and iTunes. Offhand, with these numbers I can't see why the Singers always win. I hope a non-singer wins this year. Additionally, I once met Neal E. Boyd at a military post exchange and the crowd numbered into the teens. Apparently, you cannot earn a living being merely a former AGT Winner. Oh, I just found the post:
All That - Meh - GONE
Sebastian - CANT SING ON KEY! There were three cringe-worthy moments in his performance. - Should be GONE but the "kid appeal may help.
Bird guy - Meh - GONE
Jacob Williams - Lousy material this week. I liked his stuff in the past, but this week sucked. - GONE
Shanice and the man - get rid of the man.... she can sing. He is a good but at a different level and it just doesn't mesh. MAYBE
All Wheel Sport - One fall... done! OUT.... I feel I've seen all this before. IMHO not a headline act. Started out good with the aerodancing. GONE "too many notes"
Tim Hickenberry - He is Joe Cocker reincarnated with a little touch of Randy Neuman. I liked his understated performance. Definite MAYBE
Untouchables - The choreography didn't grab me, but the Tango is VERY hard to do right. I warmed up to the act with the quick-change. The moves were very mechanical IMHO. Technically good, but no flow. I thing they get through on Judge's choice
Olate Dogs - Ed Sullivan would be proud. In my best Lawrence Welk voice - Won'erfull-won'erfull.... Fun, disjointed and some one needs to put something on the stage for the dogs to stop slipping. NOT SURE
Lightwire Theater - So much like iLuminate, but for some reason I didn't like it as much. But some of the effects were excellent. I think this is the first no-doubter to the finals. At least I hope so. FINALIST

Started watching the 8pm recording at 9pm and just caught up to live.... RATS.... (I only watch the performances and some of the judges comments. The rest is fill in my mind)

David Garibaldi - Great theatrics. Lousy paiting (this time). I thought the show was good. MAYBE
My Summary: (I'm voting for acts in bold)

All That! - they were good cloggers; they added a few new moves; I liked the fire and water; still ho-hum.
Sebastien - I've not a fan, but the kid has some talent and guts. He doesn't have the pipes to belt out Granada...he's no Pavarotti El Charo Mariachi.
The Magic of Puck - Very nice trick, but his fatso assistant shook the box while getting into it. I'm never seen such a "thick" assistant.
Clint Carvalho & His Extreme Parrots - cute, but it's no million dollar act.
Jacob Williams - He bombed! Tom Cotter has nothing to worry about...especially since he won't be moving on.
Shanice & Maurice Hayes - it has been months since we've seen this act last perform...she's above average, he's not.
All Wheel Sports - There was certainly a lot of action on stage but there were few "wheels" so to speak. Bike acts weren't that good.

* Basically the first seven acts are going home

Tim Hockenberry - risky song choice, but I enjoyed it very much.
The Untouchables - a love these kids...and a nice "quick change" in the middle of the act.
Olate Dogs - cute and everyone loved 'em, but it seems like we've seen this act before.
Lightwire Theater - this would have been fantastic...two years ago. It seems like we've seen these before.
David Garibaldi & His CMYK'S - I enjoy what they do.

In the end, I think the folks will vote for Untouchables, Olate Dogs, Hockeyberry and Lightwire with the judges sending home Dogs...No Dogs. We shall see.
Pretty poor week. I pretty much agree with you Tony, and I agree with Howard's assessments of the night. . You did forget Puck. I enjoyed his performance. I like Hockenberry. Would not see most of the acts. The dogs could jump better than the shorter of the dog trainers. I don't think he made it two inches off of teh ground. I don't see what they do with Sebastien. He can not sing in the mid range, but he can hit those long mariachi notes. Untouchables were technically good, but I didn't care for their act this week. Jacob was horrible and unfunny. Shanice is a star. Dad didn't take the judges' advice from the past. Clint, boring. Lightwire seems like the same 'ol same 'ol. At least Fighting gravity can put on different stories. I didn't find their movements to be smooth. As I've said, I've seen David several times around town, and I still enjoyed him. All Wheel Sports: Crash and Burn. Boring. The three I think will go through are Light Wire, David, and Tim.

I think we can all agree on the five (5) acts that have a chance of moving into the Finals:

  • Tim Hockenberry
  • The Untouchables
  • Olate Dogs
  • Lightwire Theater
  • David Garibaldi & His CMYK'S

I feel this is going to be an extremely close vote because not one act stood head-and-shoulders above the others. Random thoughts...

- Hockenberry is one of my favorites, but what about people who don't like that Joe Cocker sound? Additionally, while I personally enjoyed the song choice...what about the average bloke who wants to hear pop tunes? And just how many of the younger viewers have even heard this John Lennon song? Other factors (yeah, I hate how the judges take sides and try to advocate "their" favorites) include Howard giving Hockeyberry a standing ovation, Sharon liking the act/song choice, and Howie being somewhat critical of the song selection. This guy could finishing anywhere from 1-5 in the voting.

- I agree the first half of the Untouchables acts was just okay...until they did the "quick change" and the remainder of the performance was high energy. The audience loved 'em, the judges loved 'em, and I'm sure the cute/crying little girl won her share of votes. It's hard to imagine this act not making the Top 4.

- I though Olate Dogs were okay. To be honest, I thought the dogs performed better their two prior appearances and I was somewhat stunned they received a standing ovation. Plus, the judges (mostly Sharon) practically begged America to vote for this act. I didn't vote for them, but it's hard to image this act not making the Top 4.

- I didn't care for Lightwire Theater's act. In fact, I haven't warmed-up to this act for two reasons: 1) we've seen this type of act before and 2) Team iLuminate was so much better...Fighting Gravity too. They appeared to be a judges favorite, but I noticed the audience did not applaud wildly for this act. True, the light show plays well for the TV audience, but I'm thinking there are enough people who will decide this act is an imitator and not an innovator. I see them as finishing #4 or #5 in the voting.

- I like DG & CMYK, and they appear to be a judges favorite. However, I agree with Howard in that their performance took a long time to develop...and I didn't think the painting was very good. I don't feel the audience is convinced this is a million dollar act and, to be honest, I think they like Joe Castillo's act much better. They finish 3-5 in the voting IMO.

The bottom line is I don't know which act is going to finish #5 and immediately get bounced. Likewise, which acts are going to finish #3 and #4 in the voting? more importantly, do the judges know which acts finish #3 and #4 and are they just going through the voting process to add to the suspense (i.e., they are obligated to vote for the #3 act)? I guess it really doesn't matter because the judges vote is always eliminated after their next performance.
The only two I saw as definites were the dogs and the Untouchables. Everyone else I would say is a crap shoot. I wasn't impressed with Hockenberry's song choice at all... he strikes me as a Springsteen / Cocker type of voice and it just didn't work for me. The lightwire act I found to the same crap they have done every week and it's boring. In the past similar acts changed it up drastically... they do the same damn dinosaurs every time. I like the artist but his painting this week was just OK. He'd probably be my #3 if I had to make one.
My son attended E3 this year. He said that the artist from DG&CMYK was a featured performer there (without the dancers). He also said the guy was a crowd pleaser, so that could be an additional voting block.

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