America's Got Talent Season 7 (2012)

Final Bunch of Top 48 Perform...

Tuesday, 24 July 2012 (8:00 PM)

The Final twelve of the top 48 acts performs for, hopefully, our entertainment pleasure.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012 (9:00 PM)

Four acts move into the top 24.

Does anyone know which twelve acts are scheduled to perform?
Final 12 acts are:

All That!, Clogging Group
David "The Bullet" Smith, Human Cannonball
Eric & Olivia, Singing Duo/Guitarist
Eric Dittelman, Mind Reader
Horse, Nutshot Taker
Joe Castillo, Sand Artist
Lindsey Norton, Dancer
Olate Dogs, Dog Trick Act
Sebastien "El Charro de Oro", Singer and Mariachi Band
Ulysses, Singer
Unity in Motion, Dance Group
William Close, "Earth Harp" Musician
Wow! It's been such a long time since I've seen these acts that I don't remember most of them. However, I am looking forward to seeing the Human Cannonball, the Nutshot Taker and the Sand Artist. Heck, I think I just picked 3 of the 4 acts going through to the next round. Offhand, Cannonball and Nutjob cannot diversity their acts and run the risk of peope tiring of them overnight. Well, I supposed you could sing or juggle while getting blown out of a cannon...but that's not what people want to see.

Anyway, how can the Nutshot Taker possibly "up" his act without spending time in the hostipal? Also, can you image him taking 90-minutes of nutshots, 3 shows per day, 6 nights per week as part of his Vega show? :eek:
I can actually see this being the final four based on past performances:

Joe Castillo, Sand Artist
Olate Dogs, Dog Trick Act
Sebastien "El Charro de Oro", Singer and Mariachi Band
William Close, "Earth Harp" Musician

I'd have the guy and girl as a possible #5 for judges choice as long as song choice is good. It'll be interesting as this week has a potential to be the best week to date if the acts show up.
Sebastien "El Charro De Oro"...well, the cuteness factor can only get you so far. I don't see this act moving forward to the next round. Never mind, the tears might work. I like the kid and it's a great restaurant act...but he's not a million dollar act.
William Close...strangely entertaining, and it's gotta be even more impressive to there in person. The only thing I didn't like was his singer could have had a better "Roger Daltrey" like range. I thought it was really good, but I certainly wouldn't "give him a million dollars" at this point.
Unity in Motion - really good. Their only problem is that they followed William Close. So far, tonight's performers are more talented than the three previous shows combined. It's not fair that some of these really talented acts will be sent home when some less-than-stellar acts from previous shows are being advanced.

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