I felt the first two seasons of American Horror Story were by far the best, the second two, not so much. Murder House and Asylum actually had horror components to them and felt really dark. Coven seemed more like a soap opera/Real Housewives of NOLA that had a time traveling character in it. Freak Show had so much promise, but failed to deliver. I was hoping and expecting this would be similar to HBO's Carnivale but focus more on the freakish nature of the characters and the dark underworld of carny folk. I did not expect it to be about the journey, struggles, trial and tribulations of a ring master trying to break though into the young world of TV and Hollywood. Dandy and Twisty the Clown were the two best characters, Michael Chiklis was turned into such a pansy, I felt embarrassed for him. The back story of Pepper and the tie-ins to Asylum were the only parts that I enjoyed. Even the opening theme which was always pretty good, seemed pretty hokey with the claymation this time around. Other than the alien thing at the end of Asylum, which I didn't and still don't understand, I think that was the best.
Not being a GaGa fan, I don't have very much hope for Hotel. I believe Stanley Kubrik did this 3 and a half decades ago with The Shining. Which reminds me, I love the way back in season one, there was a lot of homage paid to the horror genre. The shining example for me, pun intended, was the appearance of two twin boys all mulled and cut up.
On a sad note, Ben Woolf who played Meep in Freak Show passed away Monday after being hit by a car a few days earlier.