Thanks for the info on the 11:00 slot. I usually miss that one and couldn't recall what it was. I only get the chance to watch Daniel Boone at 6am live, and the rest I generally record.
Next I will work on the current schedule for RTV WEST.
There is a difference in the programming between the two. Not just a time delay, but I have found myself watching RTV EAST most often.
You're welcome.

The west schedule, I get very seriously confused trying to figure the times out.
The schedule shows the east time, that's bad enough. But I have to convert that to central then convert that to west then back to central. Or something like that.
I can not deal with that stupid time zone stuff, it makes my head go all splodey and stuff. :rant:
I've just learned through trial and error about when to find stuff on the east or west according to MY TIME. And if it's a regular show I like, like Daytime, Leave it to Beaver, Adam-12, Dragnet, Alfred Hitchcock, etc. then I just make a schedule on the pc and it changes to those channels at the right time all by itself every day. So much easier than trying to remember when to change to what channel when.
I don't understand why they can't just have one time everywhere. Timezone stuff p