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Ok, get your signal meter (I hope you have one)
As long as you've hit your southernmost sat in your initial motor/dish angle you're good.
Make sure your angles on the motor and the dish are as described in the manual regarding your geographic location taking into account magnetic deviation.
Drive the dish as far west as it'll go, put the sig meter inline with the program started.
Set the meter so it's registering barely anything.
Move your dish using the button on the motor East until you get a signal, this should be Galaxy10R depending where you're located.
Take the meter off and reconnect the LNB.
Go into ProgDVB and Scan Transponder Galaxy10R for channels, this will be your starting point.
Save the preset in the motors memory by hitting "Store" in Diseqc12 whilst Galaxy10R is highlighted.
Go to the next bird (Echostar9/Telstar13) and scroll to the 1st transponder in ProgDVBs list.
Drive East 3 steps and click on the transponder again (Or the next in the list) to see if you have a signal.

Do this ad nauseum until you have as many sats as you can see.
reanimator said:
hmmmm what utility would be good for that. I thought if I was to just use the diseqc 1.2 to move with the mouse or for steps or seconds I did not have to do that. I need help.

The plugin I gave you will store the positions - the fun part is that you'll have to scan the whole of the Clarke Belt (Or atleast the 1st sat) to get them.

lots to do. I will go on the roof and try it. If I get mad I will install my diseqc switch and get in front of the TV and vegg my brain on the two sats I have setup allready. Then I will try again tomorrow
Once it all clicks into place it's great.
If you can see your southermost satellite count yourself lucky, I can't see anything East of Galaxy4R (As I keep whining about)
I was only able to get to 60 clicks on my motor to the west for the last sat. I was getting a strong signal and I am using the kuLnb with digital ready lnb. I went and opened the diseqc1.2 and I wanted to store something but I notice I get no signal or quality
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