I would like to see your charts, even if they may be outdated, it would be neat just to see your layout!
As for the CPTV, I assume that this like NPTV or a state specific branch of the PBS network, Connecticut Public TeleVision - Nebraska Public TeleVision whereas PBS is actually the national (overall) affiliate. Am I correct in this assumption?
I couldn't find my more complete chart, which was an excel spreadsheet that I had fairly well populated during daytime hours, but I found an early partially completed version of it that I had posted on the web when I was only part way finished, hoping that other people would help fill in the blanks. This version didn't have the movies, which I think were in the afternoon early in the week. I never did monitor during the overnight hours, and had very little during prime time too.
This chart was back when everything was on AMC-3, and also when one of the 3 transponders would periodically alternate between DVB and DCII formats. The 3 parts are the sched 511, 12163, sched 512, 12170 (now 12169), and sched 513, 12156 (now 12175).
I finally gave up trying to keep track of what was on. When I look at this version, there isn't too much similarity to what's on now, because even though things seemed to be on fairly regular schedules, the schedules changed. It used to be that some BBC stuff would be found in late afternoon and BBC news on in early evening, but now I seem to be seeing BBC news on at other times during the day.
One of the reasons I stopped trying to keep track of schedules is that I found that there was an APT web page, where you can find some schedules of what's on that 12163 channel, plus some HD schedules.
American Public Television: APT Newsletter
There are search engines to find programs, and if you download the newsletter, it has partial schedules for a few days of the week. You have to really browse around a lot in the web page to find stuff, but it's interesting.
You can download a pretty complete alphabetic schedule for the HD3 channel at http://aptonline.org/aptweb.nsf/vPrograms/Index-APT+HD+Programming/$FILE/Apr09HDFeed.doc
however I wasn't able to find a similar SD version for what's on the 12163 transponder. Seems like they used to have such a schedule, so maybe I just couldn't find it.
But on this site, they do have a list of the movies that they uplink, ie at:
American Public Television: Film Titles
It tells during what monthly time frame each is broadcast, however I couldn't find the specific times. BTW, the Magnificent Seven movie is listed both on the big list and on the HD3 list, so it must be broadcast both in SD and HD.