E* out of HD race?
From tonight's chat, it certainly does not appear that E* is going to do much with HD during the next year, even though they should have plenty of additional capacity with the new 105 satellite and the new AMC-16 at 85. Apparently it is all going to be used for Locals and Internationals, although there are a number of potential HD channels (Starz HD, Universal HD, Cinemax HD, NBC HD, ABC HD, FOX HD, ESPN2 HD, INHD1, and INHD2). Charlie's comment about Bravo HD shows how much he's keeping up with HD - Bravo HD was relaunched as Universal HD this month.
It appears that anyone buying a E* HD receiver during the next year will have to replace them about this time next year if they want to participate in the HD explosion. What a bummer!
I will probably be switching to D* if they get their HD act together, unless E* acquires Voom.