Amazon has a true HD DVD BOGO

I never thought this would be such a big deal. Would you like me to move the threads back?
I never thought this would be such a big deal. Would you like me to move the threads back?

Well, actually one might argue that what nonrev has accomplished is pulling this thread way off topic. Nobody is thinking about BOGOs at Amazon on HD-DVD anymore.
NO the actually point was there was a Blu-ray BOGO thread that sat in the war zone for almost 6 days no one complained me included, but as soon as there is a HD DVD BOGO its is removed from the war zone in less then 24 hours. At someone's request.

BOGO has been a major topic in the war zone for a long time, and since this was the first true HD DVD BOGO I didn't see how it was out of place.

While I still don't understand (or agree with) the fact that you posted the same complaint multiple times in different threads, I do apologize for my comments about why you were complaining in the first place. I did misunderstand your intentions, it appears.
back on topic here

I noticed early that Amazon was taking the lowest priced movies as the discount so I made 3 seperate orders to make sure I got a true BOGO. So I wanted to alert everyone that did what I did and made multiple orders.

Well, Amazon took it upon themselves to combine my orders and their automated system recalculated the order and took the lowest priced items as the discount again.

Not happy with that, a simple email to amazon took care of it and I got the difference credited back.
Got my order(s) today. Interesting thing is I noticed originally in the BOGO, Amazon offerred some titles twice (combo and non-combo discs). I ordered only non-combo discs due to price differences.

Opening up the box today I see they sent me the combo version of the discs I ordered that were offerred in combo format.

Anyone else? Also, I got Kiss Kiss Bang Bang non-combo and the packaging would indicate a non-combo disc, but the disc inside is actually a combo disc.
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back on topic here

I noticed early that Amazon was taking the lowest priced movies as the discount so I made 3 seperate orders to make sure I got a true BOGO. So I wanted to alert everyone that did what I did and made multiple orders.

Well, Amazon took it upon themselves to combine my orders and their automated system recalculated the order and took the lowest priced items as the discount again.

Not happy with that, a simple email to amazon took care of it and I got the difference credited back.

That's interesting... I took advantage of the BD BOGO on Amazon but only placed on order for two reasons: I had one movie at $23.95 and three at $19.95, so it wouldn't have made a difference, price-wise, and I got free shipping by having them all together and pushing the total over $25. I expect to receive them today. Too bad I can't get them out because they're all stocking stuffers...
I didn't even notice, I saw about $100 savings and was so happy I didn't pay attention. I got 10 total movies, I did notice they shipped & delivered 2, Casino and Deliverance but the other 8 haven't even shipped yet.
Not too happy with right now. I preordered Bourne Ultimatum before Thanks Giving and while it has been out for almost a week now in the stores and rentals houses, has yet to ship! If I don't see shipping by tomorrow, I plan to cancel the order and get it when it gets discounted. It is no bargain on the preorder and I can easily rent it now to do first watch and then order it later to complete my set. I was under the impression by preordering, I would have had it delivered on the day of release!
Not too happy with right now. I preordered Bourne Ultimatum before Thanks Giving and while it has been out for almost a week now in the stores and rentals houses, has yet to ship! If I don't see shipping by tomorrow, I plan to cancel the order and get it when it gets discounted. It is no bargain on the preorder and I can easily rent it now to do first watch and then order it later to complete my set. I was under the impression by preordering, I would have had it delivered on the day of release!

Overall, I've had great luck with them... but I did have an issue like that once on something I bought for my son. The offered a great deal on something, we ordered, then they just kept pushing the shipping date back, a week at a time for a month, then cancelled our order for no reason. When we went to buy it again, it was (of course) full price. Needless to say, my wife was not happy and we didn't buy that gift (or anything, for quite a while) from them.
Apologies to Amazon. They did ship back on the 10th but the carrier took 8 days for it to get here. I see today, they have the package on that order located and out for delivery today! :)

Seems the page on order status could have been more forth coming on the actual ship date though. Made it seem like Amazon didn't do their thing on time.

Glad this, so far has been my only slow down on delivery during the holiday season. Looking forward to viewing Bourne Ultimatum tonight! :)
I'm still waiting for the last 8 of 10 that I ordered on 12/11

1 of: Purple Rain [HD DVD]
1 of: Troy - Director's Cut [HD DVD]
1 of: The Departed [HD DVD]
1 of: Goodfellas [HD DVD]
1 of: The Perfect Storm [HD DVD]
1 of: The Fugitive [HD DVD]
1 of: Waterworld [HD DVD]
1 of: National Geographic - Relentless Enemies [HD DVD]

Can't expalin why Deliverance [HD DVD] & Casino [HD DVD] got delevered in 3 days with super saver shipping all 10 were placed on the same order.

5 Free Blu-ray movies with purchase of player....

Loving HD DVD...
