When I first looked into JamieCTA's issue I went straight to the website and really picked the fine print on the page apart. I also looked into the details of the offer and read the page top to bottom (or so I thought). The only thing I did not do was CTRL-F and find the code. I probably should have just to be thorough. Doing that now, it finds 1 match right at the top of the page (it did not find the 2nd one further down, and the 1st is well above the offer and the details). I did find, looking on the page
DISH Network, that next to both "Order Now" and "Call" options on the page it says to "
Reference Offer Code 04AMZN". Continuing on the line of "being thorough" I noticed that the phone number was different then what I would expect as well, so I dialed it. It seems like it may be a direct line to sales. I also decided to test the theory and started building a "dummy" account just to see if this was maybe an associated retailer promotion. It listed the "Seller" as DISHNetwork. May I make mention that it did only allow certain types of accounts to be built in order to qualify for the promotion, Flex/24and DHA/24 accounts. This means that only certain types of accounts actually qualify and they require a commitment or activation fee.
That being said, I want to be extremely clear that I have not given up on getting this handled for those of you who have told me about this (duffyswan: I am including you
). Honestly, when I first looked at the promotion at JamieCTA's prompting I did not see it either and I was actively looking for it. I even studied the "fine print" to see if I could see it. Apparently that was my mistake, because it was literally in bold print
and I didn't see it until today. I must be blind.... Staring at two monitors for 8 hours a day and making sure I am reading everything right, and still I missed it. That is a good enough reason to pursue it in my book. I do have my peeps in places that matter helping me out with this so that we can handle it, but please allow more time as this may take a bit to correct. If I cannot fix this, no one can (and that is about the best guarantee you can get, EVER
I want to make sure that ANYONE looking to sign up on ANY PROMOTION, ANYWHERE at ANYTIME make sure they CTRL-F for a promo code. LOL, that being said I'll let you know what we find.