Alright guys, I thought I'd post an update.
I gave up on the Denon and ordered a Pioneer 1122-k
Well, I plugged everything up and it worked like charm...but wait, there's more.
I turn it off and the next day, I turn it on and I get sound but NO picture from the dish source.
I have to unplug and plug the cable back in again. This happens just about every time.
Pioneer blames it on the cables and said to go and look for hdmi connectors that are a little thicker.
Now, IF I don't unplug them, why the hell would this happen every time?
Mind you, it COULD be that I'm somehow messing everything electronic up with my magnetic field or something, but I don't know.
I DO know that I have so much stuff happening I never get a chance to use my stuff and I call my house the Twilight Zone but if this is
not going to work, I'll just call it quits and go back to my analog Denon which always worked.
The Pioneer was an open box so I'm sending it back, hoping there IS something wrong with it but now I have to find
another one where they have full return options. Newegg had new ones for just a few dollars more but now they're out of
stock and the model has been discontinued. I can't seem to catch a break.
Maybe I should try a Yamaha (Yammi

and see how that goes but dammit, I'm tired of this