I'll bet a standard EA dish would work just fine if placed on a pole in front of, or slightly to the west of the C band. IMHO that's an awful lot of sky free/clear to declare defeat on 72.7!
I checked it a long time ago.. I can not hit 72.7, there are trees in the LOS of it as well. 61.5 is completely obscured.
It's actually worse than appears in these pictures, it's hard as heck to snap a screen shot on an iPhone 3GS without moving a lot, it's very awkward to press the home and power buttons at the same time without obscuring the camera lens. But trust me, when I hold the phone steady and it stabilizes after a few seconds, the trees are all very much in the way. The trees blocking the eastern end, I can't touch, they don't hang over the fence and they are too far inside the property line for me to meddle with them and not get in trouble. The trees to the west that are blocking 129, they do very much hang over into my yard and I have every legal right in the world to cut them down. The problem is that it will be expensive to have it done.
The "free/clear sky" that is available to me is 83w to 123w. Anything outside of that, I have tree problems.
My dishes vs the toy dish.
My "Dish" dishes are all 1m and above.
Using a standard issue Dish dish, like the 1000.x type, you have one small dish that's trying to hit three satellites at the same time.
I have three physically separate dishes that are considerably larger and each dish is aimed directly at the target satellite and fine tuned to it.
Rain fade? What's that?? Before the tree greened up and blocked 129, we had some very heavy rains and I never once noticed any rain fade at all. It was as good as if I was watching C-band.
Next week I'll have a 1.8m dish that I'm going to use for 129. I'll move the 1.2m dish to either 110 or 119. I don't know which one yet but I'll go through and figure out what channels I watch most between the two and use it accordingly.
I have no interest in dinky little toy dishes. If I could get bigger dishes, I would use them. If I had three 10' dishes, I would aim them at 110/119/129 and never, ever miss anything ever again.
But who knows? I may end up "buying the farm" and bring home three 11' dishes in addition to the 4m dish I'm getting. THAT would fix it..
Anyway...... So yeah.. I get it that I have to aim to the far extremes of east or west and there is nothing in the middle of the arc.
I get it that I'm going to have to pay someone to cut some limbs down.
Nothing more I can do about it except sit and wait until I can afford to have it done. In the mean time I'll try to compensate with a larger dish.