Me and DirecTV has been in rounds for almost a year about my HD receiver not doing right. From the start my DVI output would quit working and my component would work for a while then it would die and go back to DVI. They kept telling me it would be another commitment and would be for two years instead of the one I am under now if they replaced the receiver. It's a Samsung receiver T360 which was purchased before they started leasing. I finally told DirecTV the other day to turn it off June 1st at the end of my contract since I continued to have problems, I was sick of it. Well, the guy I talked with the other day about this made me a deal, they would replace and upgrade my equipment without the 2 year commitment. I was actually surprised by this after all I had been going through with them. They came out and put in a AT9 and H 20 receiver, so far so good. I am the first in the area to have an AT9. Is DirecTV actually starting to care about there customer or is it a snowstorm? Only two things I wish I DirecTV would do, 1. is to carry the Voom HD 21 and 2. let me have the west coast feeds. I have my locals and I don't mind paying extra to have the west coast as well but no dice there. I am happy they finally resolved this issue. I was planning on going back to Echosatan but when offered no commitment and no money out of pocket, it's kinda of hard to turn it down. Since my Samsung is under warranty through Samsung, they will be refunding my money. Samsung does not have the parts, etc. to support the receiver anymore, so look like I am coming out good on this. My arguement with DirecTV was, if it such a good service, then why make someone sign another commitment if they are an exsisiting customer? Well there was no answer to that.