Again this is just a rumor. :)

But what I have heard is that they may do two versions of each channel one in 720p and 1080i and this will let the cable and satellite companies make the switch anchanes they need to do on their end. Eventually the 720p feed would go away.

Again this is just a rumor. :)

If it doesn't happen, break out the pitchforks!!!

Only kidding Scott. However they address it, it's good to know that they're planning on doing something about it.
Scott, I can try ceo again if you think that it would help. February 9th received back an email from them, here's what they responded (minus the name of the person);

As of right now the minimum package with the new HD channels is the Top 100. I have sent an email to our promotions team to see if we are going to be including the Family Package and HD together in the future. Once I receive any information on this I will let you know. I apologize this can't be done at this time but if you have any other questions please feel free to let me know.
Thank you
Executive Communications
Echostar Satellite LLC

This is probably the same issue as why you have to have at250 to get NatGeoHD. As I posted in a thread I started last week, I feel they should work on seperating the HD pack so that you do not have to buy a package that includes the SD version.
I agree with both you and Scott. I'd be willing to give DISH more money to upgrade my HD programming but for now, or as of last February, I can not do this.
Didn't Charlie say they pass Voom through at the resolution they receive. I don't expect the resolution to change.

I think this is true, but it is a trick statement.

E* asked VOOM to down-rez their channels. VOOM did it. So now E* does pass through the resolution they receive. Prior to this request, VOOM did send several of their channels to E* in full 1920x1080.
Sound to me like a good way to lock in some HD subs for 18 months so they don't consider Direct when they launch the "100".....

Yep, that's why I'm not going to bite. I have one receiver that is only MPEG2, but I'm not going to lock myself in for 18 months to upgrade that one receiver until after I am able to see what DirecTV ends up having.
Nope, however if you watch the Charlie Chat last night, Charlie was hinting to something I have also been hearing, and that is in the future the HD channels will be as they receive them.

I do expect to see full 1920 x 1080i in the future on Dish Network in MPEG4.

:up This would be GREAT!! Just give us what they receive!

I wasn't happy at all about the $10/mo increase in my bill, but if all that was said in the Chat were to come true ( 1-time External Storage fee-available in a very few months, a steady stream of new HD channels, all HD in full-rez, etc.) then my griping about E* and constant checking of the FiOS TV offerings just might end (I have FiOS internet- it's truly to die for - FiOS TV has been available for a long time - their PQ is unmatched, everything else is a bit lacking and they are not cheap either).

Just my 2 cents.

Poke; said:
This really great news due to it shows Dish is serious about staying the HD Leader and staying on the edge of technology with MPEG4. This is a big sign that they are getting ready to move things toward MPEG4. Cant wait until they get their new MPEG4 service up and running. :)

Yep, that's why I'm not going to bite. I have one receiver that is only MPEG2, but I'm not going to lock myself in for 18 months to upgrade that one receiver until after I am able to see what DirecTV ends up having.

Other than sports, I really do not think you are gonna see it much faster on D* than E* will have it.

I feel D* is going to be chewing on shoe leather this time next year.
OK, here's a weird situation.....

I have a 622, a 921, a 510, and 2 508s fed through two SW64s.... I'm paying $6 for the 622, the others are free of fees due to the AEP I subscribe to.....

Is this plan going to make me replace the 921 with a 2nd 622 and hit me with two $6 fees?
Do you subscribe to HD? If yes then No on the $6 fees. If NO you dont subscribe to the HD channels then yes you will be charged the $6 HD enabling fee. (So you can use the OTA tuner)
The 921 is MPEG2. If all HD is MPEG4, you have to change it to get HD- WONDERFUL news for anyone with MPEG2 receivers - NOT:mad:

Like I said, its a double edged sword. Would you rather them not improve technology?

There are gonna be people who hold out and dont buy a digital tv even though they are getting cheap, then theyll be pissed about having to buy the $40 box.
I am for improved tecnology but must we, members if DISH network, people who spent $$$ to get HD even last year, need to spend additional new $$$ for the same channels with the hope and/or sometimes promise of being able to receive more channels:(
Well, I am fully prepared to pay someone to come out and repoint my dish if/when the new mpeg4 sats are launched. I'm not excited about having to pay more $$ but if it gets me a better product then I will.

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