Was there ever a huge online demand for these soaps, considering the TV ratings were dropping how many people would have searched it out online.
It's a question to be argued during the damages phase. The first question to answer is whether ABC sabotaged PP from launching their online venture by stealing-away several actors and doing things in direct, or indirect, violation of their contract. Just like the Tivo and Voom versus Dish cases, PP makes very persuasive and logical (i.e., common sense) arguments and I am inclined to believe them based on what we've witnessed in the public eye coupled with my understanding of most business agreements and, as I mentioned, a little common sense. Of course, the proof is in the pudding or, in this case, the contracts so ABC could very well be in the clear. But it just doesn't make sense...unless the folks at PP, and their contracts lawyers, were complete idiots. We shall see.