OLTL was my favorite show from the 80s on . The time travel stories to the Old West. The space ship to Heaven with Viki and her guardian angel Clarence or Gabriel ,I can remember now. The under ground city of Eterna with all it's cold war elements. Not to mention the many split personalities of Viki : Niki,Tori, Jean,Tommy, Victor Lord, Princess.... Viki's character alone kept me watching for the past 30 years. AMC died about 2 years before they took it off ,when they went HD and moved to L.A. to film it. I did like AMC in the 80s and 90s and even some of this last decade. But many of the characters were played out and had no where to go , but to repeat the same mistakes and or relationships that they had already married ,several times before. Either way I will watch to see if there is any improvement on AMC ,once it goes online. Without Erica Kane though, there will be no one to revolve the characters around. After all Erica was the star of this show since 1970.