Aiming/Signal Issues


New Member
Original poster
Apr 26, 2012
Madison, AL

It was no doubt user error, but I was unable to search JUST the GloryStar Installation thread for the issue I'm having, nor find much related, though I'm sure its out there somewhere. If this is the wrong place, please direct me elsewhere.

I recently purchased and received a GloryStar system with a DSR200. I live in Madison, AL and have installed the dish on the roof. I've been able to get a signal on the 901 channel per tuning instructions and was wondering if that is an actual channel on which I should see something on when it gets tuned? I see Signal of 75-85 with Q of ~80. But I don't see anything being broadcast. Just a blank/black screen. Then changing the channel down to 113 and 106 per the directions, I see S of 78-85 but 0 Q. After attempts to fine tune, I either get nothing on the other channels (106 & 113) or I got S and Q above 50 on channel 113, but then there was no longer any Q on 901 and still nothing on 106. And as in the case when 901 was tuned in, there was no broadcast visible on 113. Just a blank screen. Any thoughts before I find a trashcan for it all?


Did you have video on any channel? I have sound and video on all three. Not a fair comparison, as I have aimed in 97W over 200 times / probably over 100 locations. I aimed for 97W 3 time in last 36 hours, so it can be done, but I am probably not the one to tell you how to do it.

At if you put in you address you should get a picture of where to aim your dish this has worked very well for me. The only place that was almost impossible to site it out was Corpus Christi TX and Hollywood and Santa Monica CA were difficult. Palmer AK needed a bigger dish (about 1 mile from Sarah Palin's)!
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Thanks, No, never got any actual video. Just signaling indicating it was seeing a satellite. So it appears the answer is that if and when ever I get the dish properly lined up on the satellite, that I should actually see a picture on channel 901? That's very helpful. Would have been even more helpful in the instructions. Blessings to you. Guess I'll give it another shot.
Yes, someone with better information should chime in. I use advanced mode to align. When I get some signal then I can blind scan and see what bird I am looking at so I know how far I am off. But I have traveled 100,000 miles setting up the dish almost every few days and I usually hit 97W TBN within 5 minutes after getting the mast plumb. When I can't locate 97W within 15 minutes, then I find a signal and scan. As I indicated, Hollywood took 3 tries, and about 45 minutes. Corpus was a mess. Took about 45 minutes to find a signal and another hour to lock 97W in. But we were parked for 40 days so it was worth it.
Tried again. Can't seem to figure it out. According to the signal meter I'm using (Signalcat I think), there's nothing else nearby. Either that, or two are close enough that from here, I can't tell with the meter when I've gone from one to the other. I'm using an existing mount that I took a DirectTV dish off of. According to the directions, the satellite I'm trying to find is close to the directTV satellite. Best guess is that's what I keep finding, but I can't seem to find anything else. Oh well. Bed looks pretty good at this point. Thanks for trying to help a novice. I am an engineer, but this is not the kind of work I normally do.
I would follow the directions (Factory Reset?) to put the receiver into advanced mode. Then blind scan when you have signal of any kind. Look on the list and see if you can tell where you are. Then move the dish the direction you need to go and scan again, using another satellite's name. (I blind scan using the echo satellite's names -be sure to set the LNB specs, however).

When you find and align 97W, go back and delete all the bogus information, (a factory reset should do that and bring you back to the Glorystar choice) then go back to Glorystar setting and sit back and enjoy.

Since you are searching, you are out of the "Plug and Play" and are into the hobby area. But you and the family will probably enjoy the Glorystar mode more, since that is what you got it for.
Tried again. Can't seem to figure it out. According to the signal meter I'm using (Signalcat I think), there's nothing else nearby.

Sorry too hear that the install process is proving a challenge!

If you are trying to locate the satellite using only that analog meter, be prepared for a long and difficult process. A SignalCat meter only detects that the dish is aimed at 1 of 30+ satellites visible from your location. It does not confirm what satellite or if the LNBF skew is properly set. You need to have a small TV with the Signal Meter displayed at the dish. If you do not have immediate feedback on the Signal Quality readings, you will not be successful. It is next to impossible to set the dish aiming without watching the receiver's signal meter.

You indicated in one post that you were getting a Signal Quality reading on channel 901, but no video from the channel was displayed in the background. As rv1pop suggested, you were simply on the wrong satellite. It is possible to get a false reading with no programming if the LNBF skew was not properly rotated and the dish was aimed at another satellite that is 10 degrees to the west of the correct position. If you get a higher and fluctuating Signal Quality reading that does not turn green and no live programming is visible behind the meter, the dish is likely aimed too far to the west. If you compare where the dish is aimed to the compass reading that was provided with the system you will note that the arm is not close to the suggested reading. To get to the correct satellite from your location, increase the elevation by 1 or 2 degrees and pan towards the east approximately 10 degrees.

Did you check the dish for warping or shipping damage prior to assembling? This cannot be done by using only your eye. Check out page 35 on how to perform a string test to see if the dish is perfectly shaped.

So it appears the answer is that if and when ever I get the dish properly lined up on the satellite, that I should actually see a picture on channel 901? That's very helpful. Would have been even more helpful in the instructions.
According the installation instructions in the Owners Manual on Page 47 paragraph 4, " When the correct satellite is found the beeping sound changes to a higher tone and the Signal Quality (Q) bar turns Green. The meter will display an increased Signal Quality (Q) reading. RT News Channel programming will be visible." A Signal Quality reading of at least 50% with TV programming visible in he background will be needed on channels 901, 106 and 113 before performing the Channel update on Page 49.

I would suggest performing a factory reset on the receiver and reactivating in Glorystar and use ONLY channel 901 to locate the satellite. Set the LNBF skew to +14 (CCW standing in front of the dish) and the receiver to Channel 901. You are on the right track, but first concentrate on receiving channel 901 then everything else will hall into place. The special advice that I have for you is...... closely follow the instructions starting on page 47 with a small TV next to the dish and continued patience.

You may also call our support team at 866-597-0728, M-F, 7:30am-4pm, PT if you need additional assistance.
Thanks for all the advice. I have only looked for the other channels after having first gotten a signal on 901. The instructions do say to try to tune in these other two channels after having gotten 901. I guess my trouble was I didn't really know how to know whether I'd gotten 901. I got a proper signal and Q on 901 first, but there was no broadcast showing on 901, which I didn't know was wrong. Then trying to fine tune after that (because I thought I'd found 901) to get one of the other two channels that was specified in the directions, I got signal and Q there, but again there was no broadcast on the newly tuned in channel (either 113 or 106, which ever was specified as the 2nd channel to look for), and the Q on 109 had gone to 0 by that time.

Unfortunately, I've tried this process and ended up at the same place several times (water under the bridge ... ), so I'm gonna have to try something different. I've got some things I can try yet. I'll report back.

Thanks again!

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