Again no voom ad on sunday


On Double Secret Probation
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 1, 2004
Newport News, VA
Another Sunday paper, another sears sales flyer, 56 pages! The entire country flippin through the sunday paper and nothing.

NO VOOM AD............. but dish is there! Voom doesnt get it do they?
It is very strange. In the Denver paper there are multiple ads for Dish and Direct TV, and nothing on Voom. There's also nothing about HD in the satellite ads, but Circuit City, Best Buy, etc. have HDTV info up the wazoo.

I saw the Voom TV ad on ESPN (301) yesterday, where they talk about all the HD TV's that people have been watching without HD content. That's a good commercial. Some newspaper advertising could go a long was toward boosting the subscriber base.
The Stone Man said:
It is very strange. In the Denver paper there are multiple ads for Dish and Direct TV, and nothing on Voom. There's also nothing about HD in the satellite ads, but Circuit City, Best Buy, etc. have HDTV info up the wazoo.

I saw the Voom TV ad on ESPN (301) yesterday, where they talk about all the HD TV's that people have been watching without HD content. That's a good commercial. Some newspaper advertising could go a long was toward boosting the subscriber base.
yeah and sears is their retail outlet and dish is in the flyer but not voom? I love voom, I love the concept, the hd channels but are they trying to fail by not advertising to sell this thing off? Sears is doing nothing for voom!
vurbano said:
yeah and sears is their retail outlet and dish is in the flyer but not voom? I love voom, I love the concept, the hd channels but are they trying to fail by not advertising to sell this thing off? Sears is doing nothing for voom!
Those who fail to try-are, by definition, trying to fail!
Amen. Don't get me started on Sears--I'm not a fan. If Voom advertised in newspapers and got a different retail partner, things could get lively. It seems like most of the new subscribers are getting their info from the internet, and Sears is pretty much a non-factor. I know the internet is the reason I found out about Voom in the first place, and that's when I decided to 1-800-GET-VOOM. Signed up on my very first call.
IMHO, like any business, ( I have been there, done that) you want good steady growth but you can grow too fast! I am sure the limited marketing is by design. It would be interesting to see their total business plan.
dtsfanohio said:
you want good steady growth but you can grow too fast! I am sure the limited marketing is by design.

Then their design is failing them. I would lay bets that they were hoping for 50x the number that have signed-up to this point.

Theres too huge a monetary investment involved with V* to expect survival with mediocre subscripership.
What is Voom's cuurent sub. total? I think it was ~1700 in march. What is it now? There deal with Sears could bar them from using other retailers. Sears was such a miscalculation. But Voom's going all out on TV. I see at least 2 Voom adds a day, and its an OK commercial. I think TV is better than print, but you have to do both. People scanning ads and thinking about a $3000 investment in a new TV should be reminded of Voom.
cyuhnke said:
What is Voom's cuurent sub. total? I think it was ~1700 in march. What is it now? There deal with Sears could bar them from using other retailers. Sears was such a miscalculation. But Voom's going all out on TV. I see at least 2 Voom adds a day, and its an OK commercial. I think TV is better than print, but you have to do both. People scanning ads and thinking about a $3000 investment in a new TV should be reminded of Voom.
Voom is geared to the new uneducated HDTV buyer. (just look at the OAR ad for voom originals, it borders on false advertising) It needs to be in the sales ads with the sets and in the stores for the average HDTV buyer. It needs to be geared for the guy that goes into the store (thinking 36" SD flat tube) and sees this HD picture he can now have in his home at 47" for under 1500 bucks! And a zero deal from voom next to a 300 dollar D* deal and a 1 yr contract? No brainer there guys. Thats where voom could pick up serious subs.

IF anyone thinks that voom will survive selling to a small group of HDTV enthusiasts on the web they are going to fail. Lets face it, AVS forum, satelliteguys we are not mainstream.
Growing to fast can be worse. The people running Voom have done a decent job of running a cable Company right? Trust them. I run my own ISP with one other guy. If we had people coming at us left and right for circuit orders right now, we couldn't fullfill them and they would go elsewhere. In this case with all the bugs and glitches, I'd say they are perfecting their system as much as possible before going all out. Think about manning the phones when you are bringing on 100's to 1000's of customers per day and having PQ issues and lockup's and sending installers back out and such. If they are having a hard time keeping up right now with 1700+ subscribers, it would be near impossible with 50x that. Plus all the "normal" everyday people that ads would attract who have no clue about the best imformative sites like this that offer help? I could only imagine my mother-in-law trying to deal with the the bugs and glithes when she expects perfection in everything. :D The slightest inconvience and she'd pull the plug in a heartbeat. She has a hard time switching from digital cable to HD and to the DVD player. I know a ton of people that are the same way. They need to start gradually to let people like us, who just have to have the latest technology to play with to help them tweak and perfect their system and processes. For those of you that have been playing with computers for a while, could you imagine the common person dealing with MS DOS or common machine language? If it weren't for MS working with geeks to tweak their OS to the point it is now, the internet would not be as large nor would it be user friendly. It takes the hard work of a few to make things easier for the masses.

My .02. :)
mkatts said:
Growing to fast can be worse. The people running Voom have done a decent job of running a cable Company right? Trust them. I run my own ISP with one other guy. If we had people coming at us left and right for circuit orders right now, we couldn't fullfill them and they would go elsewhere. In this case with all the bugs and glitches, I'd say they are perfecting their system as much as possible before going all out. Think about manning the phones when you are bringing on 100's to 1000's of customers per day and having PQ issues and lockup's and sending installers back out and such. If they are having a hard time keeping up right now with 1700+ subscribers, it would be near impossible with 50x that. Plus all the "normal" everyday people that ads would attract who have no clue about the best imformative sites like this that offer help? I could only imagine my mother-in-law trying to deal with the the bugs and glithes when she expects perfection in everything. :D The slightest inconvience and she'd pull the plug in a heartbeat. She has a hard time switching from digital cable to HD and to the DVD player. I know a ton of people that are the same way. They need to start gradually to let people like us, who just have to have the latest technology to play with to help them tweak and perfect their system and processes. For those of you that have been playing with computers for a while, could you imagine the common person dealing with MS DOS or common machine language? If it weren't for MS working with geeks to tweak their OS to the point it is now, the internet would not be as large nor would it be user friendly. It takes the hard work of a few to make things easier for the masses.

My .02. :)
they fired their 1st advertising company and are on the second one. I think they want as many subs as they can get. Since the firing we have finally started to see more TV ads.
do you know why voom is being spun off? Because the stock holders do not want to suffer anymore losses. Voom is going to be expected to start generating revenue, there is no more santa claus guys. Large losses are not going to be tolerated for much longer. It is time for subs, especially since espnhd has been added. This isnt a toy or an experiment. Its a business

question about cable wiring for VOOM

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