I've been a loyal Bell customer on Long Island, New York for about a decade using a Canadian contact. I just assumed my deteriorating signal was a result of tree cover and I actually just scheduled an appointment this week to get some trimming done. I *just* read about the new Nimiq 6 footprint that has eliminated much of the United States from the coverage map (I guess Bell didn't really advertise this to its gray market subscribers). So the good news is I guess I don't have to cut any trees but the bad news is far worse - I could lose a programming package that I've really come to value due to its variety, world news channels, time shifting, etc. So here's my question. I just ran through all of my transponders and got zeroes on most of them but signals in the high 40s and low 50s on a few (3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, and 31). I'm still able to watch some channels. Would it be worth it to try a larger dish or are those zeroes going to stay no matter what? Are there ANY options? I've really grown attached to Canadian content. Thanks.