Adventures in Dish Hunting 2017

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Is this good for Ku ?
If it is fiberglass you would need to determine the mesh size to know if it was possible, the holes in the mesh need to be smaller than what a pencil will pass through.

Then you would need to get a Ku feed that would match the FD ratio, assuming the one that is on there is for C-band.
Went to get a better idea ofhow to get this BUD .... mount looks home made to me .... i think removing the panels as far as i can go ... hope 1/2 way round and then push it up and over to get the top pannels ...

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How do you undo the bolts in/on the inner ring? They seem very over kill since they look like their only hoding the screen ....

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Doubt that it is home-built, but it is very well built!

Anyway to haul the reflector assembled or separated in half? I would try to only separate the reflector mount from the polar mount. I wouldn't disassemble each panel unless it was absolutely necessary.

If the panels must be disassembled, label each panel to simplify reassembly. If the dish panels are broken down, the center hub will need to be disassembled. The bolts appear to be carriage type, so probably will need to soak all hardware with penetrating oil for a few days before trying to break apart. May need a small torch to heat up stubborn bolts.
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So far the bolts were not TOO hard to loosen .... even the bolts of the mount ....

Though the mount is rusted to the pole and the elevation portion is rusted togeather as well .....

I was planning on disconnecting the elevation turnbuckle and let the dish rock over so that i can get the uper portion of the mesh .. after finding it frozen, decided that i could possibly reach it from spinning the mount -- it is on a hill after all.....

So today i plan on stoping by wirh some WD40 for the pole and try to finish this weekend.

Im doing it by my self -- no help so its coming apart section by section

Is this ok for Ku?


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2'2" from cross plate

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Too short for a BUD, but about right for an offset dish. May have had a commercial dish for a store or some other business. The pole can be extended rather easily, but the longer the pole, more concrete blocks will have to added due to the leverage differences in a wind storm. Good find, I would keep it around just in case.
The whole pencil, probably 3/16" to 1/4".

I don't think I've ever heard an exact measurement, maybe someone on here knows that.

If the holes are 1/4 inch or larger, it won't reflect Ku-band very well. The signal passes right through the mesh. The mesh dishes we used for Ku had holes 3/16 or smaller. We finally switched over to spun aluminum 8 foot dishes.
Ok, iv not measured it yet ....
But the reflecting surface looks just like a BUD that was in another thread about finding a new unopened radioshack 8.5' ... with H-H mount. Ill get out ny calipers later on today ... i have some of the panels (are they called that?) at home now.

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Too short for a BUD, but about right for an offset dish. May have had a commercial dish for a store or some other business. The pole can be extended rather easily, but the longer the pole, more concrete blocks will have to added due to the leverage differences in a wind storm. Good find, I would keep it around just in case.
That exactly what it had on it ... a Hughesnet internet setup.

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That exactly what it had on it ... a Hughesnet internet setup.

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I found something today that peaked my interest. I located a contractor that installs cell phone towers. They have a yard full of aluminum microwave dishes various sizes (75-100). I didn't have a tape measure with me but I estimated some of them being 9-10 foot. These dishes are heavy gauge aluminum and very deep. The feed assembly is about 2 feet or so in length and has a very small feed. If you laid a straight edge across the dish, the feed would lack a third of the dish's dept from being even with the straight edge.

If you look from edge to edge across the dish, the feed isn't visible.Of course it doesn't have a polar mount, but it wouldn't be much of a chore to aim it as a stationary dish. The feed would have to be modified to handle a C-Band feed, but that wouldn't be a big deal. I'd bet these things have a beam width that's very narrow judging from their dept. Not sure what frequency these cell towers transmit microwave signals on, but if I had to guess, I'd say around 2.4ghz.

Not sure if or what I'd have to pay for one of them, but I'm going to find out. It would be an interesting toy to play with. They may not even want to part with one of them. They even have a plastic or fiberglass dome that covers the dish. I'll bet you've seen them on the side of cell towers.
KC7NOA in that picture you have the actuator still connected. Take the actuator off and lower the dish to one side, much easier to work on.
One of the fisrt things done was to remove the actuator. Owner wanted it and took it off before i got started .... the mount is rusted to the pole and wont spin. The elevation is rusted in place too.... gona haft to cut tge pole and lean it over or get a taller ladder

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